Ozzyozzy21's Test P/Tren A/Var Cycle

1st pin week 7. Started var today. Doing 25mg 3xa day and added t3 @60mcg/day. Here are updated measurements.
8/22/13-----body part-----10/14/13
37.5-stomach at belly button-37
37.5-------waist line-----------37
15.5-biceps w arms ext to side-16
Leg day. Var is kicking in. Not seeing any more vascularity yet, but def feeling the pumps. Did legs and had to stop in between sets, not only to catch my breath from the tren but to let the pumps leave my legs
Ozzy..really awesome log man (no gayness pun there either..LOL). I actually just read every post..so I'm all caught up here. Thanks for keeping us posted on all ur success so far. Good luck when var kicks.
I've been taking my temp with the ear thermometer to see if the t3 is working. No real variations so far. I mentioned this in another thread but I'm noticing a little Strength dip this first run w t3. Read austin1's post about 10 times so I'm aware it burns everything (fat and muscle) but I'm on plenty of gear to counteract that. On 2nd week running t3. 2 weeks ago I was able to rep 325 5 times. Yesterday only got 315 4 times. I started var at 75mg/day at the same time I started t3 so I was expecting a little more of a bump and got the opposite.
Went to give myself one in the leg and i notice a big bulge. I was like oh crap I have an access. So I decide to pin the other and that one is the same way. It is the top muscle of my quad showing! Sounds lame but I was truly shocked. I've always had fat legs but now they're starting to cut up a little. Maybe getting some solid fat loss after all.
Sleeping patterns are getting a little weird. I used to sleep like a baby all night. Now, sometimes I wake up all hours wide awake. It sucks really. I used to think it was the prami but haven't used prami in 2 days and it happened to me last night. Could be a mix of tren/prami. I just hope it returns to normal post cycle. 3 weeks left. One on tren!
Haven't updated in a while. Dropped the tren last Sunday. Ran it a total of 9 weeks which was plenty. To be honest I was tired of running prami and waking up randomly every few hours. Bumped the prop to 800mg/week. Still running the t3. Have moved it up to 100mcg the last 2 weeks or so and have been running the Anavar (var) at 100mg/day and plan to continue that right up to pct. Goal was to cut up. Def have lost a few% body fat. I can see the top muscle of quad when I flex which I have never seen before. My six pack isn't where I want it to be but well see what happens. Still have 3 weeks left with the prop,t3, and Anavar (var) . As I said before, been off the tren about a week and it seems I don't lose my breath as easily as when I was on. May add in clen and kill the cardio these last three weeks.
shit this is something to keep tabs on! keep it up man. Im about to run tren for the first time so i like reading about other peoples first time with the god of juice! 600 though? beast!
shit this is something to keep tabs on! keep it up man. Im about to run tren for the first time so i like reading about other peoples first time with the god of juice! 600 though? beast!

New update. Cycle ends in 10 days. Dropped the tren after 9 weeks. As I mentioned before, I loved the tren and what it did. For example at the peak of my cycle I was repping 325 5 times on bench as the final set of my workout. Why I dropped it is the prami. Everytime I took it, without fail, I'd wake up after about three hours sleep and be wide awake. Usually happens two to three times a night. And as I put early in my log, not using somethjng to combat prolactin side caused the ol noodle to go limp. I love tren. It almost made me too strong. My shoulders and elbows would "talk to me" when I had a lot of weight on. Tren,In fact, will be in my next cycle. Between now and then, I'll be looking for some solid caber. Gonna run test e, tren e, and mast e. Pinning eod was annoying for me. Now is when I really see how awesome tren was. I dropped tren and upped my test dose to 800mg per week along w var 100mg day. During my chest workout this week only got 315 3 times at the end of my workout. To be fair though I am running 100mcg of t3. Could have a little to do w it. Also started HCG yesterday. Doing a blast as I have done last two cycles.
In week 1 of PCT. Done with HCG blast. Did 1000ius eod for 10 days. Ended two days before starting pct. Coming off makes me remember how awesome it is to be on. Enjoy it fellas!