Package delivered to my town but not to my house?


New member
Hey guys I ordered something from researchology and when I checked the status it said that the package was delivered to my town two days ago but it didn't list my address. It seems pretty weird. What do you guys think?? Is it a seizure? What should I do?
nope... no notice. plus there was at least one person in my house at all times of the day this whole week.
did you click on the track & confirm link and enter your tracking #.

I got my order w/out any problems but my friend still has not got his after a couple weeks maybe there was a mistake on there end.
i'm thinking that too...maybe wrong address or maybe it was mishandled or something. i'm just not sure whether or not i should go probing around the post office looking for the package meanwhile i'm digging my own grave. i don't know if cialis really quailifies as being a substance that can be held like that.