Pain from homebrew prop?


Competing Bodybuilder
I've always converted prop using syno h, but this last week i tried using component e-h and went ahead and used component t-h instead of finaplix. Everything went exactly the same until i was making the injectable with oil. It dissolved fine, but after cooling it went to a slush type mixture that syno never had. It was done the exact same way with 18%bb and 2%ba and heated to 122C and left for 30 mins. After reheating several times I finally just prefiltered the same way I do when making fina and used a coffee filter to strain the stuff. I'm thinking it made the mixture a little concentrated b/c when I tried it the burn was immediately out of this world. Do you think this is what has happened?
I've always converted prop using syno h, but this last week i tried using component e-h and went ahead and used component t-h instead of finaplix. Everything went exactly the same until i was making the injectable with oil. It dissolved fine, but after cooling it went to a slush type mixture that syno never had. It was done the exact same way with 18%bb and 2%ba and heated to 122C and left for 30 mins. After reheating several times I finally just prefiltered the same way I do when making fina and used a coffee filter to strain the stuff. I'm thinking it made the mixture a little concentrated b/c when I tried it the burn was immediately out of this world. Do you think this is what has happened?

Yes!!! Your concentration is waaaaaay too high!!!
This is exactly what has happened. Somewhere somehow (it happens) you have gotten more prop hormone in your conversion than is required for the mg/ml you were aiming for!
Yes!! I agree completely with you now. It took me a week or so to figure it out, but when i did figure it out, the problem was easy to fix. See, almost everytime I convert any syno. or comp. I will just make 5 carts or 50 doses at a time unless making tren, which i'll do either 20 or 40. The first batch came out looking fine, but slushy when made into injectable without changing anything out of the norm. So i just had to filter like I do the last few ml's that are at the bottom when converting fina. Just poured thru a coffee filter placed inside a funnel. After doing this it filtered just fine, although what was 7.5 grams or 75mls worth only filtered out to be a clean 40 mls.
The way the slushy solution looked though I figured i'd just lost that much and was happy to get half. Instead the slush was just filtered out leaving all the hormone in the remaining 40 mls of clean oil lol. It did burn, like crazy, and I now know for sure why ppl advise not to go over 100mg/ml. It's good advice, heed it!
I'm happy to know that I didn't waste any hormone/prop though. That was a relief. Instead I just had to dilute my solution a lil at a time until the burn left and it felt exactly like my other 100mg/ml solutions had felt going in. I just added 5 ml at a time until this level was achieved. That way if I cut it a tad too little it might end up at 110mg/ml, and if I cut it too much maybe 90mg/ml, which I can live with and probably will never notice anyway.
I figured out what I did wrong. My mistake making this batch was trying to do this procedure while multi-tasking other things. Saying that, I let my pellets dissolve in my methanol/heet solution too long! It was more than 5-10 mins so don't worry ppl, something that small isn't gonna ruin ur batch.
The 2nd half of the 100ds box came out better than any syno. or comp. i've done so far ever has! It was a great yield of 8.75 grams of prop crystals and a very clean 85-86mls when filtered. Some of the easiest filtering done so far. Hardly no trash left whatsoever.
I think I'm now a huge fan of vetlife (comp.) products over pfizer's(syno) and finaplix. They both seem to be two very very clean products. The filtering was just ten times easier and not such a pain in the ass! I'm saying this for the propionate, although I couldn't say the tren was that much easier to filter, the products came out with a few differences b/w them. Finaplix binders/fillers I'm always left with seem to me to be a dark tan color. The comp t-h leftovers seem to me to be much darker and instead of tan they are a definate chocolate dark brown color. I seem to get better results from the comp., but that could be in my head b/c i've only been using it for 3-4 wks now. I can say I've took tren several times and i've never had it lean me up in 4 weeks by giving me a highly defined 6 pack with no cardio involved!! Lovin that!
Just hope the secret don't get out too much and this stuff goes on backorder like synovex has! lol That would be a disaster so I try not to speak to loudly on the subject lol. Not to sound greedy, but I just want my box or 2 of each every 3 months :)
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