Paleo, all what it's built up to be?


New member
I wanted to come to a different forum to view people's experiences with paleo. I've found a few 'Paleo' bible forums to be all too biased.

I've been doing Paleo for about 1 month now, I do find I'm less tired after meals but I can't say I've experienced other noticeable changes in mood/energy.

What's your opinion on it? Attempted cutting on it? How was it?
Like Solomon said, getting all or at least the majority of your caloric intake from whole or minimally processed foods is never a bad choice and that's the high point of paleo. What I do not like about paleo is the arbitrary food restrictions placed on the diet and the demonization of carbs. Yes keto diets and carb cycling diets work but so do high carb diets, the driving force behind the efficacy of any diet though is matching caloric intake to your goals and consuming the proper amount of macro and micros while training properly. The main reason I see people losing weight on paleo diets is bc it limits most carb sources to nuts and vegetables, this automatically reduces total caloric intake unless you make for it with added protein and fats. Plus i think its foolish to say we should eat and live as our paelo ancestors did when not only do we not know exactly what they ate, but they weren't exactly the healthiest of people as well. If you don't mind the restrictions placed on the diet, by all means try it out. If you do care about them though, there are many many other diets that work just as well or better where you can have a more plentiful range of food sources.