Paper bolics


New member
A friend of mine asked me about paper bolics today but i never herd about them, I was wondering if anyone has ever tryed them, or if they are any good. He said it is kinda like takeing a hit of acid, insted it is AS such as D-bol or Anadrol?
all it is is the active substance inpregnated on paper with grids. so your kinda right about it being like acid, except not as fun.
i believe they have:
Do you no from any experiance if they are any good, or do you no anyone that has ever tryed them
They are all excellent products as long as you get them from the right source. There was some dosing question on the papervar, but from what I understand, that was back in September and steps have been taken to correct that.

I have yet to hear of one complaint about the paperbolics or the paperbolic guys services.
This post is borrowed from another board and edited to protect the identity of the writer


Perhaps part of the legacy left to us by the late steroid guru Dan Duchaine was the role he played planting the seed that has since been developed into what we now know as Paper Anabolics.

The basic idea was simple; to find a method by which certain anabolic steroids could be transported globally in such a way as to increase a customer's chances of receiving his/her order safely, especially when sending the products from a country like XXXXXXX

If you consider approximately 97% of all envelopes containing Paper Products sent from XXXXXXX since August 2000 being successful, then I guess they have indeed managed to achieve this end in large.

Here are some of the reasons why Paper Anabolics continue to grow in popularity and why many have converted over from tablets:

QUALITY and CONSISTENCY - The active ingredients in each of the Paper Products have always been and always will be of the highest grade.

SECURITY and SAFETY - As previously mentioned, while there have indeed been a number of envelopes sent direct from XXXXXX containing Paper Products seized by Customs, this number still constitutes a very small percentage; the vast majority of orders finding there way safely to customers.

CONVENIENCE and PEACE of MIND - For many people the idea of carrying around a stash of tablets (should they be splitting their daily doses and unable to return home during the day, or perhaps while traveling) is a risk they're prepared to do without, therefore, the idea of being able to carry on one's person, or carried in one's baggage, innocuous-looking pieces or paper adds yet another value.

SIDE EFFECTS, or THE LACK OF - While one would expect that most side effects experienced come by way of the active chemical, the cause of some side effects are brought about by the binders and fillers that hold the tablets together. One main example of this is with most tablets forms of Methandienone; some users seem to have adverse abdominal reactions.

Although I am not at liberty to expand on methods of production, I can tell you that the binders and fillers most commonly used in tablets are not found in Paper Anabolics, this would probably account for the accounts of users normally unable to take Methandienone in tablet form reporting their delight in discovering PaperBol as an alternative.

DOSAGE - Most brands of oral Winstrol (winny) (Stanazol), D-Bol (Methandienone), and Anavar (Oxandrolone) seem to be dosed anywhere between 2-5mg per tablet and occasionally up to 10mg; PaperBol, PaperStrol, and PaperVar are all dosed at 10mg per square.



The active ingredients in Paper Anabolics are both absorbed into the Paper as well as in part sandwiched between the sheets, therefore, Paper Products are not meant to be peel or stripped but taken whole; simply cut the required dose from your sheet/strip with sharp scissors or a cutting blade.


As with tablets the squares can be swallowed down with water although many report that better absorption will occur by keeping them held under the tongue for a while before swallowing.


Paper Anabolics will keep for at least a year or two although probably best kept out of direct sunlight or extreme heat. For convenience you can cut your daily dosage and slip it in your wallet while the rest would do well stored in a zip-lock/jiffy bag then in a cool, dark place.
bronco944 said:
all it is is the active substance inpregnated on paper with grids. so your kinda right about it being like acid, except not as fun.
i believe they have:

lol...definitely not as fun. Ahh..."Memories...snifff"
Never tried Paper bolics but I have had a few alco holics...Seriously, I have read nothing but great things about them. There are a LOT of postings on all the boards. The search button will yield all you ever wanted to know and more. Nothing but positive raves and how to properly use them. Keep us informed.
the dosage discrepency with the Anavar (var) was that each grid was off but when they analyzed the whole sheet it was accurate, some squares had more some had less. Everything ive read over the last 3 years has led me to believe that the guy and his products are both top notch
Well if some squares have more that others there is a good chance that it could mess with your blood levles and i dont see how they can be that great?
GOON said:
Well if some squares have more that others there is a good chance that it could mess with your blood levles and i dont see how they can be that great?

Sometimes its hard to cut the squares perfectly straight. With the half life of Anavar (var), it doesn't really matter if you take 8mg in the morning, and 12 mg a few hours later, etc. I'd rather take papervar and have a couple of squares underdosed by a mg or 2, than take someone elses "anavar" which may not even have ox in it at all. Like everyone says, its great.. if its from the right place.
I know of whom everyone is meowing about, but have never ordered. What country is this coming from? I ask because i know hes intl, but with the war and all, Im curious, not so much for seizures, but how long it will likely take.
i am taking the paperDrol been on three days and my blood pressure and weight are already up. big ups to meowwww...