Part cycle therapy help answers for what i have and how to take them


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Post cycle therapy help answers for what i have and how to take them

What's up anybody, I'm just looking for some help or answers. I'm just about done with a deca cycle my guy that i went through for it gave me a bottle of 50 25mg clomid tablets, and a bottle that is liquid and has a dropper top the label is scratched up a bit it looks like one of the words on the bottle is tetrozole the mg are ripped off the bottle so that's unknown. And now i can't get ahold of the guy to get answers on what to do with them

Just looking for to see if anyone could help out with a PCT regiment or answers on what these are and how they're supposed to be used. Thanks
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Post cycle*
My guy that i went through had me doing a mil of nandrolone decanoate 200mg every 3 days for 4 weeks then bumped it up to 1.5 mills for for weeks then finished with 2 mils along with testosterone stacked with it, I'm still new with all this and now my guy bailed on me so now i have no answer.
thats why you never take cycle advice from the guy selling you the gear.. he just wants to sell you gear..

give me your stats

Wow you shouldn't even start a cycle with those stats. Your best friend would be food and more of it!
Shit, i ate a lot man, just have one of them body types that can't add pound of weight to save the life of me...