Payton Manning and HGH use what do you think?

I think the pro athletes should be able to use anything they want to when they are injured and trying to heal. It makes me laugh when I talk to some people who are totally against PED's but love sports. I think it is hilarious how many people think that professional athletes don't use PED's. I always here the same response from people when I accuse any pro athlete of having taken PED's in the past it always sounds like " oh I don't think they could get away with that now days they test them all the time".
I think the pro athletes should be able to use anything they want to when they are injured and trying to heal. It makes me laugh when I talk to some people who are totally against PED's but love sports. I think it is hilarious how many people think that professional athletes don't use PED's. I always here the same response from people when I accuse any pro athlete of having taken PED's in the past it always sounds like " oh I don't think they could get away with that now days they test them all the time".

heck guys take PED's to ride a bicycle,, female swimmers, the fencing team probably juices,, I wouldn't doubt that professional bowlers are running a gram of tren a week! let alone football players, power lifters, etc.

It's part of the life. If your willing to sacrifice everything in your life to be the best you can be at a sport (family, career, free time etc.), then sticking a needle in your ass is one of the easier parts.
The ancient Greeks took PEDs. :-)

true :)

""The use of drugs to enhance performance in sports has certainly occurred since the time of the original Olympic Games [from 776 to 393 BC]. The origin of the word 'doping' is attributed to the Dutch word 'doop,' which is a viscous opium juice, the drug of choice of the ancient Greeks." "

""Gladiator competitions and chariot races are popular in Ancient Roman culture, and the Coliseum is expanded to hold 60,000 spectators in 100 AD. Chariot racers feed their horses substances such as hydromel (an alcoholic beverage made from honey) to make them run faster and gladiators ingest hallucinogens and stimulants such as strychnine to stave off fatigue and injury and to improve the intensity of their fights""
true :)

""hallucinogens and stimulants such as strychnine to stave off fatigue and injury and to improve the intensity of their fights""

Would be interesting to see and feel their point of view. Like going to bullfights on acid, sort of.