PCT after 1 year on gear? (blast and c_r_u_ise)


New member
Hi i did first 3 months 700mg test , then 2 month trt dose 250mg , then 10 weeks with 350mg tren ace , and since september im on just trt dose test ( so 5 months trt), tapering off from 250 to now 160-170mg test a week. I made my gains solid as fck , i want to come off and was thinking of the power pct of dr scally with hcg eod first week and then clomid.
Should i add triptorelin ? i want to do the best pct possible and dont want to lose any gains if possible... cus like now im on high normal test level so i should be able to keep this body naturally too... any advice? i have nolva too
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any thoughts of going back to natty is preaty much over for you in my humble opinion.

This is an out of control cycle my man. you mentioned no Ai, no hcg. did you do blood works at any point during this year long cycle? What are your levels now?

did you do any test during your 10 weeks of tren?
any thoughts of going back to natty is preaty much over for you in my humble opinion.

This is an out of control cycle my man. you mentioned no Ai, no hcg. did you do blood works at any point during this year long cycle? What are your levels now?

did you do any test during your 10 weeks of tren?

I agree, sounds like someone that's gonna be married to the needle. Shut down hard for a year straight then trying to come off and keep gains, good luck!
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any thoughts of going back to natty is preaty much over for you in my humble opinion.

This is an out of control cycle my man. you mentioned no Ai, no hcg. did you do blood works at any point during this year long cycle? What are your levels now?

did you do any test during your 10 weeks of tren?

I used aromasin, and hcg like 2months on 2 off, yes i ran 250mg test with tren and didnt do any blod work , now im on 150-160mg of test e
Guys i know i fcked up , i wanted to be on for life but next year i'll go living with my gf and she is against gear and dont know i use it, so i want to go back to natty and do like 1 cycle a year if possible . My balls are not 100% atrophied , they are like 50% of my normal size. Any thought on triptorelin ? even at 50mcg to kickstart pct harder?
What makes you think you'll be able to keep all your gains when you come off your cycle? What do you mean by close to high-normal tests levels? That won't apply to you at all!
What makes you think you'll be able to keep all your gains when you come off your cycle? What do you mean by close to high-normal tests levels? That won't apply to you at all!

I hope to keep my gains , because i finished my "cycle" 5 months ago , now im on trt dose so , as soon as i make natty test again fast i should keep this body... im on 150-160mg test a week
I hope to keep my gains , because i finished my "cycle" 5 months ago , now im on trt dose so , as soon as i make natty test again fast i should keep this body... im on 150-160mg test a week

what is your natty test level?
a power pct is in order for sure, but first we need your stats, weight, height, age, bf%, cycle history.

You will also need to do blood works to see what your levels are now before you do a thing.
Dont know bro, never did blood work... im young hope it'll kick in again

and please be careful of saying kick when talking about your testicle issues, kick and nuts just dont go together. :sperm: :laugh3:
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I hope to keep my gains , because i finished my "cycle" 5 months ago , now im on trt dose so , as soon as i make natty test again fast i should keep this body... im on 150-160mg test a week

150mgs of test per week will be way above your natural levels so there's really no way you'll keep your gains trying to pct after all that. Just a price you gotta pay for not being responsible bud...
Im 21, did first cycle a 19 test only 500mg week then pct, recovered fine (just by feelings, no blood work) , the cycle again after like 5-6months(with pct) with 250mg test and 350mg tren ace, then pct and after 3-4 months started this blast and c***se.. i know i fucked up and started to soon, i know guys ...
Im 176cm 75kg 12-13%bf
I dont know how to take a blood work , im from italy and steroid is really uncommon
How old.are you. You mention being young and yes......youth can help you recover but you've been using a LOT of gear. I'd expect to lose some size even if you made a pretty good recovery. You've been way above natty for a year.
I'd try to talk the new lady into being cool with your injection routine:)

Hope it all works out bro. Give some stats and some of the guys can give pct advice. Keep us posted. Much could be learned from your situation
my plan for pct is :
1Week after last injection 1500UI HCG EOD ( i have 10.000 UI of HCG so last pin will be 1000UI)
Then 3 days after last injection of hcg i'll inject 50mcg of triptorelin and do 4 weeks with nolva 20mg/d ( not clomid to dont overstimulate )
If you have access to it I would use clomid also. I would add it at 25mg per day for 6 weeks. Works well for me and others I know.
Either way good luck bro. Let us know how it turns out. This was a pretty big gamble and the only way to know what will happen is to try.
Should of been using hcg the whole time. I've never used it because I'm always on. Let the vets correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't you be using rigjt now instead of waiting till you come off?
Should of been using hcg the whole time. I've never used it because I'm always on. Let the vets correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't you be using rigjt now instead of waiting till you come off?

I'm no vet but even I know you dont use HCG for PCT.
You use it while on and stop before starting PCT as it will be counterproductive and interfere with said PCT.
His dosage is way off too.