Pct for Mk 2866 / Pct for lgd 4033


New member
I've read and found so many different opinions on sarms when it comes to pct and stacks, so what would be a fine pct for both of these osta and lgd ran sepetatly and sololy ? And would they want to be ran sololy?

Please and thanks!
Sup man :D Did you get your SARMs?

For PCT, I've always seen that Clomid and GW for 4 weeks would be enough for a SARMs cycle. MK2866 and LGD slightly suppressive. I personally love GW. I don't even see a point of buying preworkouts anymore. GW does the job :D
Sup man :D Did you get your SARMs?

For PCT, I've always seen that Clomid and GW for 4 weeks would be enough for a SARMs cycle. MK2866 and LGD slightly suppressive. I personally love GW. I don't even see a point of buying preworkouts anymore. GW does the job :D

What does gw do as part of the pct?
if a compound is suppressive, you should stick to the same Pct protocol no matter which compound you go with , or even if you go with multiple compounds .. always just keep pct the same.

if your ran a test cycle with just 200 mg of test .. pct would be clomid and nolva.
if you ran a test, tren, deca, masteron cycle all at high doses.. pct will still be exactly the same , clomid and nolva
if a compound is suppressive, you should stick to the same Pct protocol no matter which compound you go with , or even if you go with multiple compounds .. always just keep pct the same.

if your ran a test cycle with just 200 mg of test .. pct would be clomid and nolva.
if you ran a test, tren, deca, masteron cycle all at high doses.. pct will still be exactly the same , clomid and nolva

Well this is what I thought and was told , but another thread I was reading said nolva isn't necessary
You definitely don't want to half ass your pct. Roush is giving you good advice. Use clomid+nolva for 4 weeks. There are threads out there that explain why the combo is better than one or the other run solo for pct. I just posted a thread showing how effective running the nolva+clomid together are at stimulating your testies to produce my own natural testosterone again after a cycle. It went up nearly 3fold. Also I have posted my post cycle bloods after using osta for 6wks. I was very suppressed (on just osta) down to 140test but after pct and waiting the 2months my test lvled out at about 400 which is in the normal range. Make sure you get blood work done before you start so you can see how effective the pct was at getting you back to what your baseline is and not just back to normal range. I made the mistake of not getting pre blood work so have no Idea if im back to normal for me even though im in the normal range. LGD is very suppressive and research shows it starting to suppress natural test production starting at 1mg. You probably are going to take much more than that a day maybe 5-10mg based on what others say they take on the forums.
You definitely don't want to half ass your pct. Roush is giving you good advice. Use clomid+nolva for 4 weeks. There are threads out there that explain why the combo is better than one or the other run solo for pct. I just posted a thread showing how effective running the nolva+clomid together are at stimulating your testies to produce my own natural testosterone again after a cycle. It went up nearly 3fold. Also I have posted my post cycle bloods after using osta for 6wks. I was very suppressed (on just osta) down to 140test but after pct and waiting the 2months my test lvled out at about 400 which is in the normal range. Make sure you get blood work done before you start so you can see how effective the pct was at getting you back to what your baseline is and not just back to normal range. I made the mistake of not getting pre blood work so have no Idea if im back to normal for me even though im in the normal range. LGD is very suppressive and research shows it starting to suppress natural test production starting at 1mg. You probably are going to take much more than that a day maybe 5-10mg based on what others say they take on the forums.

What are your stats ?
I've read and found so many different opinions on sarms when it comes to pct and stacks, so what would be a fine pct for both of these osta and lgd ran sepetatly and sololy ? And would they want to be ran sololy?

Please and thanks!

MK2866, aka Ostarine, is slightly suppressive. What slightly means is that the average person will see a small drop in test levels that should fix itself. Rather than trust in a "might fix itself", a 4 week mini-pct is recommended. It will be the exact same PCT (Clovid and Nolva) used for AAS users, just only 4 weeks.

LGD-4033 is HIGHLY suppressive. Even a tiny dose of 1mg per day resulted in a complete shutdown of the HPTA axis. It is also possible it will fix itself after the SARM use is done, but I would not want to risk it. A full PCT is to be done after its use.

I have yet to try LGD but I heard it is amazing.

I personally add GW50 to everything I do. Since it is a PPAR Agonist and not really a SARM, it does not touch the HPTA axis at all. It is completely non-suppressive. I love the endurance boost I get on it. If I was not in a neck brace still, I would be running it now. I have a bottle, unopened, looking at me longingly every time I go into my closet...
5'10'' 170 about 12% bf. My goal is to get back to 180-185 which was what I weighed before an ankle injury that caused me to loss over 20lbs from pure atrophy. I took the osta with the goal of assisting in some lean mass gains and hoping that it would also help with tendon/ligament strength since I read some things that osta could be beneficial for that as well. In the 6weeks I gained about 8lbs but only about 3lbs of real weight. after about 3rd week I blew up and had so much water retention my skin was bloated out around my socks. I used 12.5mg for first week with minor headaches which went away after about the 4th day. Then 25mg ed for 5weeks. I was stupid and didn't do precycle blood work but got bloodwork done at about 5th week and ended the cycle at the end of week 6 when I got my results back that my test was only 140. I immediately started clomid+nolva for 4weeks. Looking back I honestly didn't feel that good that later it got into the cycle which I would guess is as a result of my natural test going down every week. Once I stopped the cycle I started feeling pretty great after about 2wks into pct and continued to feel better as the weeks went on. Im currently using mk677 and just started igf1 lr3. Im not so keen on fucking with my natural test lvls anymore because I have had an almost impossible time making any gains over the past few months. I decided to do a 2nd pct with clomid and nolva for a month and did my blood work again and my test is in the high normal range right now. My strength gains have been very fast. About the kind of gains I am used to getting when I train hard in the past. Don't know if the osta screwed my up permanently or not but only time will tell. BTW all the strength gains Ive been getting were before the start of igf1. The gains started shortly after starting the second pct which I believe the benefits of my natural test going up is the cause of those gains.
5'10'' 170 about 12% bf. My goal is to get back to 180-185 which was what I weighed before an ankle injury that caused me to loss over 20lbs from pure atrophy. I took the osta with the goal of assisting in some lean mass gains and hoping that it would also help with tendon/ligament strength since I read some things that osta could be beneficial for that as well. In the 6weeks I gained about 8lbs but only about 3lbs of real weight. after about 3rd week I blew up and had so much water retention my skin was bloated out around my socks. I used 12.5mg for first week with minor headaches which went away after about the 4th day. Then 25mg ed for 5weeks. I was stupid and didn't do precycle blood work but got bloodwork done at about 5th week and ended the cycle at the end of week 6 when I got my results back that my test was only 140. I immediately started clomid+nolva for 4weeks. Looking back I honestly didn't feel that good that later it got into the cycle which I would guess is as a result of my natural test going down every week. Once I stopped the cycle I started feeling pretty great after about 2wks into pct and continued to feel better as the weeks went on. Im currently using mk677 and just started igf1 lr3. Im not so keen on fucking with my natural test lvls anymore because I have had an almost impossible time making any gains over the past few months. I decided to do a 2nd pct with clomid and nolva for a month and did my blood work again and my test is in the high normal range right now. My strength gains have been very fast. About the kind of gains I am used to getting when I train hard in the past. Don't know if the osta screwed my up permanently or not but only time will tell. BTW all the strength gains Ive been getting were before the start of igf1. The gains started shortly after starting the second pct which I believe the benefits of my natural test going up is the cause of those gains.

Well they are said to be supressive did you not plan on or start a pct directly after ? And why the second pct?
When I first started reading about sarms I read a lot of older posts that said they weren't suppressive or minimally. I had planned on pct cause a few posts said that it could be helpful if there was a little suppression. When I did my bloods my test was in the tank (test 140) so it was very suppressive for me at least. I started pct immediately for 4weeks. I waited for 2months to get bloods and my test was in the normal range but still kind of low (about 400). I felt like I wasn't getting much gains anymore and felt like shit at the gym too. I could tell that my nuts shrank a bit and they didn't get back to normal size after the pct so I decided that I didn't think the first pct got me back to what my baseline was. Unfortunately since I was too stupid to get baseline bloods before I started the osta I cant say that 400 isn't what my normal test lvl is. Based on how I feel and my performance at the gym I speculate that it didn't get all the way back to my preosta lvls. Once I started the clomid +nolva again I rapidly started to feel good and strength gains aplenty. My test is over 1100 now. Of course the clomid+nolva increase the test production while u take it which is why u wait 2months after the 4-6wk pct to see where it levels out to. Im hoping that it will level out a little higher or a lot higher than before. Because of various injuries I am taking mk677 and now igf1 as well in the hopes that it will reverse some of the worn cartilage loss in my knee. It will be a long time before I can give an answer what the results of that are. Im hoping to get a little boost to my strength and muscle gains from it as well but it will be hard to say what is from the mk677/igf1 or just the fact that Im lifting heavier again.
When I first started reading about sarms I read a lot of older posts that said they weren't suppressive or minimally. I had planned on pct cause a few posts said that it could be helpful if there was a little suppression. When I did my bloods my test was in the tank (test 140) so it was very suppressive for me at least. I started pct immediately for 4weeks. I waited for 2months to get bloods and my test was in the normal range but still kind of low (about 400). I felt like I wasn't getting much gains anymore and felt like shit at the gym too. I could tell that my nuts shrank a bit and they didn't get back to normal size after the pct so I decided that I didn't think the first pct got me back to what my baseline was. Unfortunately since I was too stupid to get baseline bloods before I started the osta I cant say that 400 isn't what my normal test lvl is. Based on how I feel and my performance at the gym I speculate that it didn't get all the way back to my preosta lvls. Once I started the clomid +nolva again I rapidly started to feel good and strength gains aplenty. My test is over 1100 now. Of course the clomid+nolva increase the test production while u take it which is why u wait 2months after the 4-6wk pct to see where it levels out to. Im hoping that it will level out a little higher or a lot higher than before. Because of various injuries I am taking mk677 and now igf1 as well in the hopes that it will reverse some of the worn cartilage loss in my knee. It will be a long time before I can give an answer what the results of that are. Im hoping to get a little boost to my strength and muscle gains from it as well but it will be hard to say what is from the mk677/igf1 or just the fact that Im lifting heavier again.

Aha , thank you for the Information , much appreciated , best of luck with everything!
i just see some forums say clomid only and have all these wild ass stacks ... i dont get it, all this different info is annoying and makes for hard decisions on what im doing,oh well i will get it figured out.
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