PCT HELP!!! And Suggestions


New member
What's goin on guys need some input...
I'm gonna be starting a cycle for the summer.. I'm getting 2 vials of test cyp and 4 vials of tren ace... I've ran this stack before but never did a PCT before.. When I was done with cycle I'd be good for 2-3 months then winter and the cold weather come and I'd lose all motivation,gains become sad,depressed and my nipples would always get sore during and after a cycle.. And the small testies of course so I'm looking to change that with a PCT plan with the help of input from you guys..

Soo I would like opinions on what to take during and after..

I'm 30yrs 5'6 and 175lbs .. And what I'm looking for is being ripped I don't usually gain weight and I like to do cardio... Cycle looks like this..
Test cyp .5cc Monday 1cc Thursday
Tren ace.. .75 EOD...
My supplier gave me..EXTREMEPEPTIDE(tamoxifen citrate 20mg per ml)(30ml) can I use this while in cycle or PCT... Thanks and any input is greatly appreciated
How you construct your cycle is totally up to you and depends on previous cycle experience.

Whether you bulk or cut is down to your diet - nothing else.

You structure the dosages yourself, we can't help with that.

Here's the bits we can help with.

PCT (start 18 days after last Test pin)

Clomid - 75/50/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20

HCG @ 250iu twice weekly from week 1 of the cycle until 3 days before commencing PCT

AI needs to be run throughout the cycle at a dose determined by estradiol management on previous cycles.

Caber/Prami need to be on hand should you have any issues with the Tren.

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Hey guys here's my bloodwork results my test 304 which is low .. Estradiol 56.7.... Fsh 2.4.... Lh...4.4..... I've never did a pct and I've ran this cycle a couple times in the past... Didn't do research before and the crash has been terrible and didn't realize how serious pct is.. I just started my cycle so I wanna do it right this time and hopefully everything can get close to normal when my cycle and pct is done... And the crash has def messed with my head and emotions ... My nipples would be so sore and hard... So should I take .5mg of armidex EOD when I'm running my cycle and HCG... i was gonna wait 4 weeks before starting the armidex and HCG ... Then I was gonna start the nolva and clomid 1 week after last pin... How long do I run the pct .. Was gonna do another blood test halway thru and at the end and 8 weeks after pct... If I need any more gear .. Plz any input and advice would be great
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