Pct please help as I took sus 250 and have major problems thank you


New member
Hi guys first time posting on here, as I'm new
I did about 2 cycles of sus250 6-8 weeks worth from what I remember
I'm young a pretty silly I took no pct afterwards
Now I'm struggling to get it up, or when it's up I can't keep it up.. Quite embarrassing!!!
Is there anything I can take to get my hormones back to scratch? Went to the doctors, couldn't give me anything..
Thanks in advanced
You should run blood work. See my signature below. And did you run pre-cycle Baseline Blood Work that you can compare against? That would help us see what is wrong.

Have you read the Sticky Threads yet? The Ology FAQs thread for example covers how to run Clomid and Nolva for PCT.

How old are you? Height, weight and body fat %?
You've been silly OP: But don't panic just yet...

Mega has given good advice ^^^^

I think if you run a solid PCT you should bounce back just fine - when did the cycle end?
Cycle ended 6 months ago,
I didn't do any pct! That's why I'm stressed!
Heard clommid and novladex is the way to go from what I've been told
Let me guess, you jumped on the forums for cycle ideas and now your dick doesn't work? Your mind is playing games with you. To be sure, follow Megatron's advice.