PCT question (4wk PH cycle)


Well-known member

I've posted once on the My Cycle section, but didn't get but 1 reply.
I'm 7 days away from PCT and have a few things on hand.
I eat 3000-3500 calories per day. I'm 23, 5'8", 198 lbs and started cycle at 185
I've seen considerable gains in mass, hardness, strength, and some bloat.

Weeks 1-4

19-Norandrostenediol - 80mg/day
Epistane - 40mg/day
Methyl Sten - 15mg/day

1 cap twice per day with food.

I have Nolva, Clomid, Paragon by PNI, and post cycle detox on hand. Ralox in the mail.
Any advice regarding dosage week by week would be amazing. I have a general idea of how much to take of what and for how long but I'm just making sure before it's already pct time :D Thanks!