PCT/Recovering before thinking of taking steroids again advise please

I'm 22 going to be 23 in January, 6'1 around 270 pounds been lifting off and on since I was 15. so I was planning on doing a cycle of test prop and test base but I'm starting to wonder if it would be best to wait awhile to do another cycle I was on test e from last December till about August I ran out of test e and couldn't get anything till now anyway do you guys think my best bet would be to save the test prop and test base for another cycle let's say I stay off everything for a year and try and work on getting my strength back and try them once I feel strong on my own without anything. I feel okay haven't been to the gym in about 2 or 3 weeks but I'm heading back next Monday and going to start from starting strength workout program. I haven't taken anything for pct should I just stay off everything for a year? I honestly don't mind doing that.
What??? Yea your definitly going to need an aggressive pct! Hope it works for you. At your age and weight, you might have really fucked yourself. Go read the ology faq's thread and run the pct that's suggested. Might want to go 6-8 weeks on that too. Ugh... Wowzers