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When a recipe calls for, say, PEG300, can PEG400 be used?

I don't know what the number means and what the difference is between these things.
molecular weight. 400 is thicker than 300. what you need peg for? i cant think of any conversions that can do without it.
I don't technically need any unless I'm goofing around making shit up. Like TNE which I really have no use for. Or a solution of Cialis, which I really don't need when I can suspend or cap it.

So I guess that PEG 300 and 400 have the same molecule structure, but they are different molecules?
DougoeFre5h said:
PEG should never ever be used for orals...we went over this.
So if I take some PEG, the absoption of whatever is in my stomach will decrease? I mean, we aren't doing PEGylation with the PEG, right?

Call me skeptical, but still unsure, seeing as I don't really understand this.

I think an experiment is warranted. Perhaps I can take something where less dosage will be obvious; like maybe Cialis. Get a baseline for exactly how much is needed for a certain effect when not using PEG, then make some up with PEG 400 or whatever.

Forget the studies.
I would still like to know is PEG-400 simply has more PEG molecules in it than PEG-300 or if the PEG-400 molecules have longer chains or whatever. It really doesn't matter, but I'm curious.

If PEG-400 has more molecules per unit volume, then I must assume that PEG-400 comes mixed with something else, such as water.
From "trouble" herself, the smartest woman on the net imho.

On PEG....

trouble said:
PEG acts as a sorbant in the gut.

Maybe you guys aren't getting my drift here.

You use a sorbent phase like fiber or a macromolecule, you'll create an amphiphathic phase that will prevent absorption. The diluent isn't absorbed (and so act as a membrane transfer agent) and so it functions as a better holding phase then release phase. You an't gonna get yo goodies out once they go in to this phase!

Short chain glycols or amphipaths that act like detergents, ok, maybe...

Thats why I suggested glycerol (whch serves another purpose as well) or phospholipids as carrier phase.

You want a suspension, but one that has a longer sorption phase so that the goodies don't get washed down the drain (so to speak).

And as for no studies...

Ive secret shopper style ordered plenty of PEG orals from "other" chem sites. Taken the cialis which I KNOW how pure powder feels. Guess what. Case undisputably closed.

mranak i just get pissed when people dont see whats so clearly in front of them. They'l defend PEG orals because theyve made/bought them. You know how many people trust thier PCTs and try to fix thier gyno with that SHIT some companies put out? Kinda...sickening.
Lemme remind you how many times ive read this....

Um after 2 months of letro, im left with no much is surgery?

Not to mention many cialis' are overdosed so people think its "better" than other companies???

Clen too....remember how many times u read.."wow that clen was AWESOME i was shaking so bad on 20mcg!)

Thats so fucking retarded i want to puke. Dose it correctly. Dont use long chain molecules as carriers just so you can flavor it and color it and so people dont have to shake it. What a crazy little world we live in.
Okay, okay. :D

Very interesting to me the spill above about phospholipids and detergents.

I just want to understand how all this shit works. I'm starting to see overlap between different things that I've researched and it is damn interesting to me.

It sounds like there are alternatives to PEG if a solution is really desired. I kind of suspected that, but didn't know for sure.
oh well, I need to take lots of chemistry if I want to do the med school thing, anyway. I guess I'll send an application into UNC.

If somebody were to email or PM me the forum that has trouble on it, or tell me non-PEG methods that I can use, or would be appreciated. I'm not selling anything so no concerns about competition or any of that bullshit.
mranak said:
So are many of the research chemicals, including Tadalafil, Aromasin, Letrozole, and others.
Yes but we can easily procure them. Im saying the other patented carriers are REALLY interesting but we cant physically get our hands on them.
DougoeFre5h said:
Thats so fucking retarded i want to puke. Dose it correctly. Dont use long chain molecules as carriers just so you can flavor it and color it and so people dont have to shake it. What a crazy little world we live in.
This happened to me once...I wanted to use aromasin but only wanted to try a little bit before I ordered more in powder form. Result: thought aromasin was crap for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Eventually, I made my own and after just two days on it, wham! it kicked in and I was dry as a bone on my test cycle. Lessen learned.
DougoeFre5h said:
Yes but we can easily procure them. Im saying the other patented carriers are REALLY interesting but we cant physically get our hands on them.
Oh! I thought you meant that the process of using certain non-patented chemicals to create a solution was patente.
DougoeFre5h said:
From "trouble" herself, the smartest woman on the net imho.

On PEG....

And as for no studies...

Ive secret shopper style ordered plenty of PEG orals from "other" chem sites. Taken the cialis which I KNOW how pure powder feels. Guess what. Case undisputably closed.

mranak i just get pissed when people dont see whats so clearly in front of them. They'l defend PEG orals because theyve made/bought them. You know how many people trust thier PCTs and try to fix thier gyno with that SHIT some companies put out? Kinda...sickening.

Response on this subject from our favorite "anarchist":
She doesn't know what she's talking about.

Fact is that the best way is via using anhydrous EA over everclear although either way you NEED the alcohol as that keeps the particle size small.

And why I use anhydrous in my kits is that you can get it into suspension and THEN add water to dilute down to a smaller mg/ml if you want and there is a surfactanct in there which DOES NOT come into play until water is added.

NOw let it be known that some things like anavar will go in real good, but winstrol needs a little water to be added.