People that think steroids are a magic potion


New member
According to some guy and his friends, people that use steroids are 'insecure little pussies' who apparently aint man enough to do it the natural way and he even went to compare it to girls having a boob job.

He even sent me a link to back up his therories that steroids magically build muscle without eating properly or working out.

Heres the site:
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Not sure what this is for bud, got me kind of confused. Weird first post to say the very least. Are you saying that you agree with whatever theories are presented here?
Not sure what this is for bud, got me kind of confused. Weird first post to say the very least. Are you saying that you agree with whatever theories are presented here?
I just edited the post, i just wanted to know what you think of that guy and that site.
I just edited the post, i just wanted to know what you think of that guy and that site.

Sounds fucking stupid. People who use gear know how to train and eat right for the most part. Diet and training get them to a certain point and then they turn to AAS. Everyone who does anything at a money making level involving bodybuilding, fitness modeling, or powerlifting uses. If you don't think so tell us about all the fake natty's your friend wants to look like. Nothing wrong with fake tits either. The couch potato who takes steroids would build some muscle but not transform. How is it cheating exactly? Who are you cheating?
Using technological, scientific and medical advances to better ones body and health is not cheating..
It's evolving.

Your friend is just still a stupid unevolved cave man
I saw a guy who took primo tren and test prop and didnt work out at all and when it all kicked in he got pretty jacked it was weird. I think cutting steroids can have a cosmetic effect pretty quick. But i agree steroids arent magic pills. If a normal guy took 500mgs of test a week without working out he would probably just be bloated and horny lol.
Sorry to disappoint, but there is actually a lot of truth to your friends thinking lol...

Taken directly from Rip's Thread of Knowledge:

The effects of supraphysiologic doses of testosterone on muscle siz... - PubMed - NCBI

In this awesome study the authors did an important comparison between:
- Guys doing resistance training with no exogenous test supplementation aka "natties"
- Guys taking 600mg test with no resistance training
- Guys taking 600mg test with resistance training

Caloric consumption was set at 36cals/kg of bodyweight with protein consumption set at 1.5g/kg of bodyweight for all the groups.
Training for all groups consisted of 3 non-consecutive days of heavy (90% 1rm), moderate (80% 1rm) & light intensity (70% 1rm) work for 4 sets x 6 reps increased to 5 sets x 6 for the final 5 weeks.

The study took a total of 30 weeks - this included the training & recovery periods (pct, etc) - and the guys on 600mg test ended their cycle after 10 weeks.

After 30 weeks, here are the important muscle mass results:
- Natties gained 1.9kg (4 pounds) of muscle, which is pretty standard gains for any but the elite naturals
- The guys on test with NO exercise gained 3.2kg (7 pounds) of muscle
- The guys on test and a training stimulus gained 6.1kg (13.5 pounds) of muscle

Now, as you can see it is an absolute FACT that you can indeed sit on your ass all day and still gain more muscle on a standard test cycle then a natural can in a year of dieting & training perfection. 7 pounds is pretty much the maximum a natural can gain in a year, never mind 7 1/2 months of zero workouts.
Using technological, scientific and medical advances to better ones body and health is not cheating..
It's evolving.

Your friend is just still a stupid unevolved cave man

I wouldnt call him a friend, he is just one of those ignorant idiots who think only insecure little boys use steroids and that you are telling the world that you needed help to get to that size.
Sorry to disappoint, but there is actually a lot of truth to your friends thinking lol...

Taken directly from Rip's Thread of Knowledge:

7 pounds a year? Not being funny but that is bullshit, naturals can build a lot more muscle then 7 pounds unless you are an advanced bodybuilder with 25 years of experience.
Sorry to disappoint, but there is actually a lot of truth to your friends thinking lol...

Taken directly from Rip's Thread of Knowledge:

Of course it is partially true. AAS is used in people who have wasting disorders to build muscle without exercise. When you add a good diet and exercise to the mix then you get great results.
Of course a guy sitting on the couch eating Cheetos and doing a test and tren cycle is going to build more muscle than a guy sitting on the couch eating Cheetos and not doing a cycle. A buddy of mine a while back looked like an outta shape fatty, then he hit up a test/tren/winny cycle...and still looked like an outta shape fatty because he ate like shit and didn't work out properly and thought steroids were a magic potion. The other thing is let's say you take two guys with identical genetics, one of them trains his ass off regularly and has his diet dialed in, the other guys is a complete couch potato. If you put the couch potato on a cycle and give the guy who train hard the placebo, the couch potato may make more gains over the course of that cycle and maybe even hold onto them for a little while, but what are the chances he does anything to keep those gains? I'd bet the farm that the guy who works his ass off looks better in a year or two or five than the other guy
7 pounds a year? Not being funny but that is bullshit, naturals can build a lot more muscle then 7 pounds unless you are an advanced bodybuilder with 25 years of experience.

Most naturals (who have been lifting for at least 2-3 years) will not build more than 7 pounds of REAL muscle mass in a year.
I've trained more than enough natty lifters to know that this is true - the only natties that can build more than this are usually newbies.

Your friend is right about steroids allowing people to build muscle without the hard work.
The fact is that steroids allow you to train like a complete idiot (or not train at all) and still build more muscle than a natural who has his diet & training perfectly dialled in.
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Everyone wished they had a good body so when they see people who achieve what they couldnt, steroid or no steroid, they start hating and say hes on roids, maybe he is or maybe he isnt, i say these people r stupid. they hate us cuz they aint us LOL
Most naturals (who have been lifting for at least 2-3 years) will not build more than 7 pounds of REAL muscle mass in a year.
I've trained more than enough natty lifters to know that this is true - the only natties that can build more than this are usually newbies.

Your friend is right about steroids allowing people to build muscle without the hard work.
The fact is that steroids allow you to train like a complete idiot (or not train at all) and still build more muscle than a natural who has his diet & training perfectly dialled in.

If u say basic test is that powerful, does that means it defys the surplus and deficit rule to gaining size? I'm sure if i eat like 1000 cals over mat I'd gain great on test, but what if it was 1000 under? If not, what AAS break this rule.. Tren?
The article, while based in fact does crack me up. What do I say when folks ask me if I'm on? "Oh, creatine and lots of work on my diet/training/rest."

The first thing out of the author's mouth after his rant?

"Creatine, diet and training are why I look like I do." (Paraphrased)

Sure, AAS can put lean mass on a couch potato. But who cares? Winners will do whatever it takes to win, and life is one big game.

It's the folks that come in second place or worse that are the ones that cry foul. ;)

My .02c :)
^^ survival of the "fittest" -- whoever is on top gets to make the rules .. Those who aren't on top get to just complain about why they failed, blaming it on the others "cheating". . That's in life in general, not just sports. ..

(Sure the patriots cheated,, they are on top, whatever .. The raiders cheat too but they are losers so no one pays attention or cares)