People that think steroids are a magic potion

If u say basic test is that powerful, does that means it defys the surplus and deficit rule to gaining size? I'm sure if i eat like 1000 cals over mat I'd gain great on test, but what if it was 1000 under? If not, what AAS break this rule.. Tren?

First of all lets not get confused - its not "what I say", its what has been conclusively proven by science to be a fact :)

The authors of the study placed all of the participants at 36 cals/kg & 1.5g protein/kg of bodyweight.
This is equivalent to eating at maintenance or 5-10% surplus (a very lean bulk) and the protein intake was slightly below what is normally recommended for natties looking to bulk (1.75g/kg being the usual recommendation).
At the end of the study there was no change in bf% for all of the groups.

In terms of diet, the data suggests that eating at maintenance/small surplus can result in significant muscle gains with no fat gain - the training + test group gained 13.5 pounds of muscle, which is very impressive for 1 cycle.

The data doesn't say anything about being able to gain muscle while in a deficit but, IMO, you certainly can provided the deficit isn't too extreme.
For example if your diet had you in a 20% deficit then I think its certainly possible to gain 3-5 pounds of muscle while losing fat on your first cycle.
However, if your diet had you in a 40-60% deficit, then it would be more difficult though not impossible.
Of course maintaining muscle is never going to be an issue regardless of the size of the deficit when on steroids.

Basically, yes I think steroids do go against the surplus/deficit rules to an extent but this shouldn't be taken to extremes.
I still think your diet should be optimized to meet your main goal, rather than seeing what you can get away with while still making progress.
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^^ basically he is saying steroids kick ass.. It's no wonder everyone wants to run gear and sites like ology exist
The article, while based in fact does crack me up. What do I say when folks ask me if I'm on? "Oh, creatine and lots of work on my diet/training/rest."

The first thing out of the author's mouth after his rant?

"Creatine, diet and training are why I look like I do." (Paraphrased)

Sure, AAS can put lean mass on a couch potato. But who cares? Winners will do whatever it takes to win, and life is one big game.

It's the folks that come in second place or worse that are the ones that cry foul. ;)

My .02c :)

What a great quote lol. Imma steal that if you don't mind Half :p