Peptide and Insulin Cycle for Mass and Strength

Mr. Blonde

New member
hello, I am a 23 year old male, 6'1" and 170 pounds,

I was considering doing a steroid cycle but decided against it because of sides and not wanting to deal with HGP shutdown and PCT.

I am now considering doing a serious Peptide and insulin cycle with the following dosages:

insulin @ 10 IU 3 x a day for 4 weeks

DES IGF-1 @ 100 UG a day split bilaterally for 4 weeks

mgf @ 500 UG split bilaterally for 4 weeks

GHRP-6 @ 400 UG a day split into 4 shots of 100 UG each.
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Is there anything i may have overlooked?

any input is greatly appreciated.
absolutely not. You are affraid of sides but you're willing to run slin? this is very dangerous. combining slin with igf can very easily cause hypoglycemia. this whole idea was not thought out. you'd be better off cycling. But honestly you're not ready for that either. Try lifting heavy and eating for a few years. You don't even have a base started.
Your chosen combination of peptides suck. That'll be virtually useless. Cjc-1295 with ghrp2 4x a day with igf1-lr3 once daily with Slin is what you want. And for the love of Allah please run gear before you run Slin. Get some experience.