Peptide cycles


New member
Thinking bout peptides..ghrp 6 and 2 I cycle these like gear in relation to length....down time to start over etc...
Thinking bout peptides..ghrp 6 and 2 I cycle these like gear in relation to length....down time to start over etc...

How are you brother? New on the board but have decent experience with peptides. GHRP is a great product for increasing GH pulse through out the day. GHRP 2 is a bit stronger. Something to keep in mind is that GHRP 2 or 6 will impact cortisol and prolactin levels if used in high doses or too frequent of a dose, I would consider a high dose anything over 200 mcgs. So here is what I think is a good protocol for a beginner:
150 mcgs first thing in the morning.
150 mcgs pre-workout.
150 mcgs before bed.
The dose before bed will act as a restorative effect and the ones throughout the day will increase Gh release. I would recommend to add a GHRH to this like a GRF 1-29 or CJC 1295 without DAC, just to cover all the basis, you can use same amounts as the GHRP,and try not to ingest any fats or carbs at least 20 minutes before or after administration. I will start a new thread explaining what the difference is in between GHRHs and GHRPs, it's pretty simple but I believe everyone should know the difference and why use them together. You can do the peps more than 3 times a day but they have to be spaced at least 3 hours apart. Hope this helps. God bless you friend. Minister.
Thank you. you cycle these like gear with respect to on and off times or since their not actualy interrupting a "loop" so to speak..can you run em as long as you want and/or your wallet can stand ?

...and as for me ..I m older dude..everything have no idea...not looking for big increases in anything..just a bit fuller yet leaner.

I have neither the time nor inclination to pin anything except my girlfriend 3 times a day...on a really good day.

I m not looking to "maximize" anything anymore except maybe her orgasms..just looking for an edge that does not interfere with this already shattered hpta loop, or further pound the testes and/or challenge the already overtaxed totally trainwrecked cerebellum and all the weird shit going on in there..

I need to eat more..and have more zest in the gym..I thought with trt..and a lil peptide science..I d grub more and grow a bit.
Tuetonic I use these all the time. Right now I'm on gh so I use these on off days.

There is no need to cycle these. You can take them all the time.

Mod-grf and ghrp2 or 6 or ipam or hex.

You don't want just one or the other.

Ghrh(mod-grf) and a ghrp produces a large pulse of gh when used in combination.

100mcg each three times a day is best. I dose both a little higher. Mod at 150mg and ghrp's 100-400mcg

The important thing is to use them in combination. A ghrh won't do much on it's own unless you were lucky enough to dose it in a natural pulse, a ghrp will work on it's own but not as well as the combination.

Ghrh+ ghrp = 2+2=10. The combination is greater than the sum of it's parts.

Gh peptides used in combination cause a spike of natural gh that peaks in about an hour then declines. Exo gh causes a lower spike that peaks around 5 hours.

Both are used long term. No need to cycle and the longer the better.
Hey guys, new to the forum. I was doing some research on peptide cycles and came across this thread, perfect timing I supposed.

I am very interested in this option for many reasons, especially the 'bang for the buck' factor. I am more or less used to the cycling methods of the usual gear and have not gone this route yet, and wondering how this kit would be used.

Is it in conjunction with one another, or is there one that I should use a few weeks after the others?
Do I use it until it is gone and go for another?
Can I add it to a cutting cycle?

Thanks for your thoughts and input..
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Thank s alway s a very informative well written presentation of what I wanted to know.
No problem Tuetonic.

As minister mentioned, ghrp2,6 and hexarilin can increase cortisol and prolactin in higher doses. Ipamorelin will not cause those sides. Ghrp6 is supposed to cause hunger as a side. Sometimes I'll have it at 100mcg but other times I have to use 200mcg for that added effect.

So for gh and an increase in appetite
Mod grf 1-29 & ghrp6 (100-150mcg & 100-200mcg) three times a day.

Some guys prefer Ipamorelin just to minimize sides but I've never noticed any sides with any of them.
OK .

I m in.

I ordered 5- 5 mg bottles of ghrp6 and 5 of the CJ ?? WHATEVER..from xxxxxx.

I ll be honest..a buddy on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is running ghrp6 and one of the cj s and only doses in the morning... sometimes at night as we are both OVER the pinning...not for any other reason than we re tired of it.

But I need the appetite, especially in the morning.. and he swears the pep s are giving him a hell of an appetite and a better sense of well being which would make sense...AND HE HAS GOTTEN STRONG AND FULL.

...upon receiving same I ll post up and ask for mixing.

With my medical records I need all the gh releasing stuff I can get what with my 4 th knee surgery looming...

Thank s PARTNER.
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T daniels,

You need to remove that link. It is a sponsors store and they are not sponsors here.
nice save Zeek..between my political correctness faux pau s it s a miracle I m a member much less a mod..
Looks good Tuetonic. Here's how I reconstitute mine:

Ghrp6 5mg, =5000mcg
I add 2ml bacteriostatic water to the vial, drip BW down the side of the vial instead of spraying directly on powder. It should easily dissolve. Do not shake the vials. If it doesn't mix all the way just swirl in one direction lightly. Shouldn't need to do this. Store in refrigerator as powder and liquid and only mix one vial at a time.

So 2ml BW + 5mg ghrp
1ml=2500mcg so each 10mark on pin is 250mcg. So each tick or line will be 50mcg. (this is with a 1ml/100 unit slin pin)

2mg cjc w/o DAC
Add 2ml BW
1ml = 1000mcg
Each 10 mark is 100mcg and each tic or line is 20mcg. the ghrp6 and the cj 129..Great White is lightning fast boys...

....gonna mix as User described above and will let you al know if it s worth a shit...this is along with my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) which is one cc test 1/2 cc deca Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) aromasine etc....

Afriend of mine is on it and is looking good..full and indicates he feels good...good it be the growth hormone spikes and increased appetite ?

We ll see eh ?

Will do 150 mcg of each am and maybe pm..we ll see...same slin pin will be fine for each pin correct. ?
nice save Zeek..between my political correctness faux pau s it s a miracle I m a member much less a mod..

You are 100% real and that in itself has great value on the internet especially.

I'm waiting for you to call out the next carpet bagger! :chimney:

Anyway at our age and you are still pulling some major quality in the women dept. You deserve to be a mod just for that!

You know the ins and outs of AAS! as well as ASS :)

You would shake your head at the tragedy I have coming around here to give me some!~
Tuetonic is a legend. For real. Love that guy. You will get nothing but honest opinions from him and at 47 he is in better shape than most 20 year olds in my gym.

Tuetonic just give it a chance and run all that you have. Just like gh it takes time and should be elevating igf levels. Combine that with your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and it should be good.

With me, ghrp6 gave a good increase in appetite but then sometimes it didn't. And sometimes the flushed feeling right after inject can be irritating but it gets better as you go.
Well the ghrp 6 sure leads to healthy sessions on the toilet..maybe that s one way it generates apetite ? Whew..
Yup, in my experience it causes gastric emptying of the stomach which can super charge the intestinal expulsion. With peptides, I notice increased GH indicative effects with in minutes. My veins pump and I feel numb and tingly like as if I were just woken up from deep sleep. With in a couple weeks my skin is more rejuvenated, much tougher to penetrate with the insulin needle too.

For the future peptide research purchases bro, don't stock the fuck up like that. By the time you get to the 5th bottle it very may well have degraded to 75% or less. I was told by a manufacturing expert to never hold them more than 45days and if possible, freezer store until use but its much better to just order as I go to ensure freshness and purity/potency. Peptides don't keep like AAS, they very fragile and the slightest instability begins to break then down. I'm on GHRP-2 and Mod GRF1-29 and holy cow!! I notice a massive difference of bigger GH releases/pulses compared to GHRP-6 & CJC-1295. Increased Prolactin is becoming evident tho =/
nice info guys. i was thinking of my first run with peps during my next PCT, just a little extra to aid with recovery and then continue for 6 months. I was thinking of MOD-GRF and GHRP-2 or IPA. I'm looking for a combo with the least sides. Teutonic, I've read that 6 can reek havoc on your stomach, hope your feeling better! 2 is supposedly much less agitating. Any thoughts on how or what I should change with this User? Sorry, hope I'm not hijacking, just hard to find a good discussion on Peps here.
Duly Noted...fragile ? Explain please...

The biological action of peptides depends on their secondary structure, which is largely dictated by hydrogen bonding (and disulfide bonds), which aren't the strongest of chemical interactions. Therefore, the smallest chemical perturbation (shift in pH, temperature, salt concentration, etc.) can drastically affect the bio. action of a pep.

That said, I've stored recombinant GH at -20C for > 2 years and it induced IGF-1 production in hepatocytes at the same level as before.

But by decreasing the storage time, you are minimizing the risk that something could happen to reduce the efficacy of your peptides.

Hope this helps brother.