Peptides combined with TRT for rehabilitation


New member

I have been viewing this website for several months, and would like to ask a question of the group.

I am attempting to rehabilitate from a lower back injury with some muscle and ligament damage. I was always active prior to injury, working out and riding bike 4 to 5 times a week. Maintained approximately 8% body fat. I have been prescribed sermorelin at 250 MCG per day. I am also taking TB500 2mg twice per week. I keep getting red skin reaction from the TB500 injection, but not the sermorelin injection. I will likely also start a prescription of testosterone injection once per week at about 150 mg for TRT, will last 10 wks.

I would like to know, in your opinion, what is the best peptide for rehabilitating from an injury and gaining strength. I will also maintain TB500 for 6wks. I would like to take only one injection per day. Cost is not my primary concern, I have set aside enough funding for approximately 12 months of costs. Utilizing the peptides for rehabilitation and muscle strengthening purposes, not necessarily building muscle mass.

If cost were not a major concern – which peptide would you pick? Also, any supplements that would be recommended such as AI with TRT.

I am 5 ft 7 in, 160 pounds. My diet is reasonable, eat lean meats, fresh vegs and fruits.

I appreciate any feedback.
Would it help if I post my blood work info? Any feedback is helpful. I'm looking for a peptide to assistance in building strength and help with PT. I have tried PT before but every time I attempt to do any strength building exercises I get dinged up again. Any feedback is appreciated.
Prescribed sermorelin? Where are you from? And if you're going through a doctor your best bet is to listen to him. Some red flags from your post though don't add up. 150mg per week for 10 weeks prescribed?

I had a great deal of success running peptides for injuries. Specifically ghrp2 and grf1-29. However follow the advice of the doctor. Do physio and slowly build back up
Thanks for feedback.

Prescription from dr.
Sermorelin acetate 200 mcg once per night for 10 wks
Test c 200 mg once per wk for 10 wks

Dr said will need blood work at 10 wks and 6 mons to continue treatment. I am also taking TB500 (not prescribed) twice per wk at 2mg per. When I asked him about supplements to take such as AI he somewhat brushed it off, said not needed at this dosage. My test levels were low, he said some of the lowest he had seen. He told me that I should be in it "for the long term" as it would likely take 6 mons to 1 yr to really stabilize and see sustained improvement.