Peptides for disk herniation?


New member
first, hello to all! :)

had ski accident which made me stay in bed for 8 months ( + my laziness).. and after just recovered 1st December 2012, felt some pain in the back, the personal doc prescribed "voltaren".. and "surprisingly" on 24dec after rapid move felt on knees with bad bad pain. the MRI showed 1 big lateral disk herniation and 1 small.

with strong core exercises and nutrients recovered very fast! in fact so fast that i had no pain at all on the 3rd month, did everything in the gym except running (but fast walking was ok).. and 2 months ago overestimated myself, moved some heavy stuff over 10km and of course the pain returned for few days and then gone.. but before 2 weeks the back started to feel somehow weak, and last sunday made some "lock" for 2 min.. which make me feel like a spacecraft is landing on my back.. and then the pain gone! but since then, regular pain and weakness, afraid to make the "wrong" move.

made a new MRI, the small herniation is gone.. the big one is there, i guess it was shrinked, before i acted dumb 2 month ago.
Anyway, was looking some stuff on ted, the talk was by Alan Russell and he was talking about regenerative medicine, which looked like fantasy, but after he showed some real proofs was blown away! Haven`t found still what Alan Russell used, but one friend of mine said that peptides will have some regenerative effects on my disks... its not about the money, i just want to understand is he trying to sell me some stuff, or GHRP-2 + ModGRF(1-29) will help the disk to heal (or other peptides)

edit: if someone knows what magic used Allan, give a hint. here is the video