Peptides: Tissue Growth & Protection and Practical use surrounding them *A must read*

Just the kind of post I'd been hoping to see at this forum. I was thinking about running IGF1-LR3 solo two months after I get my next testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) bloodwork done and back. But, after reading this, I like cycle suggestion #4 and the possibility of somehow incorporating the IGF1EC (MGF) peptide. Great post!!!
Try reading done medical journals and studies along with years of personal experience.

I have read many studies.
One thing you learn when researching is if you look hard nuf where there is one study showing one thing there is another showing the opposite., just saying.

from MY exp and others that have acually used this, (not in a lab study done on rats or small amounts of cancer strickin or old people), I'm sure atleast some would agree they liked the CJC1295, atleast I do anyway and see many reasons for its use. shit even along with hgh..
I agree if pinning is no issue, money is no issue and time is no issue, CJC 1293 + GHRP2 or 6 would yeld more gains in 3 months then CJC 1295 + GHRP in most cases (I beleve so from what I know anyway).

but some can argue: why would you use tbol when you can use dbol or why use test when you can use tren. Other reasons for using compounds (in my oppinion) than just gains.
I'm taking ghrp-2 now at 300mcg 3x a day with cjc (no dac). I get a huge hunger increase from it. I thought it would be better for me that way than ghrp-6 but it isnt.

you might have ghrp-6 then since it is cheaper (suppossed to be anyway)
I used both and it was like night and day in terms of hunger.
ghrp-2 did not add any hunger to me but GHRP-6 I got the munchies bad.
Do me, yourself, and everyone a favor. If you believe that DAC is effective for a male, dose it, then a day later dose your ghrp(must be fasted with peptides but not with gh) then 30-40 minutes later get a gh serum. Then try dosing mod grf no dac and a ghrp again fasted and gh serum, and see where the results are.

With DAC you are not getting the spikes or pulses needed, DAT also agrees to that. And most studies out are using only a ghrh at 2mg.

I'm with you on posting feedback and info to help others but just because you like using dac does not make it the right option. Your body creates pulses of gh for a reason and you have not figured out what the body hasn't.

As far as dosing, again a serum test will show you what is and isn't effective, and individually. There are serum test of ghrp/ghrh combo showing the same results of 5-10 out of gh but more than 100/100 was used. I can tell you from personal experience that 100/100 is average at best and this is with independent lab tested peptides of high purity and not just the claim of independent testing.

Yes you can make the example that a higher dose of xyz will produce more results etc, but the point I'm making is if you are using gh or peptides or hormones for bodybuilding purposes, you need to use effective doses. There is a reason why gh/insulin works so well at specific doses and gh could easily be made to produce a bleed type effect by adding to the amino chain, just like mod grf, added aminos to increase half life, gh can be made to produce a non stop day or week long increase, but it has been proven repeatedly that gh in the make body is from pulses. Yes by using cjc/dac, you will get a pulse when you dose your ghrp, but it's not as high of a spike as the no dac version.

We can all have our own beliefs but I'm just telling guys here do not waste your money on cjc/dac, and you are wasting your money if you don't add a ghrp to it.

This is no attempt to discredit JP, and I honestly am over posting for any reason. I don't claim to know everything and don't think anyone knows all there is to know about many of the things we use but testing will give proven results, top athletes who use the drugs do so in specific ways for a reason.

If you are over 35 then 100/100 is good anti aging doses but double is more realistic. For a younger guy or a bodybuilder who wants to build mass and benefit to the fullest while still being safe then look at the protocols you find, and test them yourself with labs and see what works. I've been fortunate enough to have been given more than a full years worth of igf, ghrh, ghrp and have been able to use any dose I want and all without ever being a rep for a peptide company. My use is just for my personal experience, what I posted involves that but also based upon how these work in the body and how the male body functions.

So for me it's a dead issue, everyone can do as they please.
Its all good opinions differ.
I have seen the argument on (CJC1295 is not good to use, it pulses like a womens hgh) *some say that about anavar but I like that too!
but yes a bit too much $ unless you are getting bulk powder Anavar (var). I also se;, you need big spikes and so on.

So what? Maybe I want a steady stream of GH along with my AAS and GHRP2 to even MK677 with the CJC-1295.
Some might not be able to pin 2-4X a day which is another use.
There are many.
Sure for most just wanting to use short cycles of peptides I agree for a lot they would like 50-150mcg 2-3X a day of CJC-1293 w/o Dac (ModGRF) and GHRP-2.
Just saying I FEEL it is a great peptide with use and long term I plan to use it again along with igf1 (des or LR3) and either GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or the MK677 (if I end up liking it.)
I DON'T think its a waste (cjc-1295), it depends on your goals and view on the subject.
Its good your posting in here, debate is a good way to learn (on both ends)
I will agree using CJC1295 without ghrp-2 /6 or even the newer oral MK677 is a bit of a waste ( I have recently started MK677 as I am finishing up my cjc1295/ghrp-2,MGF,igf1lr3,MT2 cycle.) MTt2 will continue at maintenance dose for next few months and I will run another igf1lr3 or igf1 des cycle in fall again when I start my bulking.
I will post feedback in another 1-2 months on the MK677 but right now it is too early to say much and also because I have already been using the others.
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Here's a post from DAT explaining why cjc/DAC is not optimal

Dat explains it very well here :

"You do not want to use CJC-1295. You want to use Modified GRF(1-29).
Why? (Partial Explanation)
"Cell-to-cell communication is also likely to reflect the density and proximity of adjacent cells as GH responsiveness (but not sensitivity) to GHRH is enhanced at higher densities and basal GH release is greatest at low densities."

"Cell-to-cell contact may therefore affect the cellular integrity of somatotrophs because GH synthesis or secretory granule storage may be better maintained in high density cell concentration then in low-density concentrations." - Growth Hormone, Stephen Harvey
What happens is cells in the pituitary communicate. They self organize and create a firing network for coordinated growth hormone release. This communication creates a high density of GH releasing cells. They are in close proximity through their communicatory network. The cells have specific spatial relationships that may be modulated by peripheral endocrines. These include sex steroids, thyroid hormones, glucorticoids and even the pancreatic and gut hormones. Their spatial relationship is also effected by physiological state such as nutrient status, age and pregnancy.

As a quick example, corticotroph, thyrotrophs and folliculostellate cells are in close proximity to somatotrophs and communicate with them through gap junctions (almost like just reaching out and touching signaling). They have the potential to effect and be effected by their neighbors.

What happens when you have GHRH always around is you force these somatotrophs to release GH because they are sensitive to the GHRH binding to them and effecting release. By constantly occupying you are preventing them from coordinating with surrounding cell populations. You force these cells to act as low density subpopulations. Basal GH release is greatest when you can disperse the spatial relationship between somatotrophs and that is what an always on GHRH will do.

CJC-1295 as an always on GHRH will force upon somatotrophs loner behavior with a single constant chore. This reduces GH responsiveness as this only occurs when somatotrophs can communicate, self organize and maintain social relationships with the surrounding community. These types of social somatotrophs are better able to make and store GH then the loner cells.

So CJC-1295 seems to disperse somatotrophs and enslave them getting less from them then if it had just let them congregate in towns and cities.

Aging has an effect on the vitality of city centers as well and as we age these somatotroph population centers become less vigorous. By using a more physiological GHRH such as modified GRF(1-29) together with a modulator GHRP-2 we revitalize that inner city and allow our cells to be more social and thus more productive. If instead we choose to use CJC-1295 we not only fail to remedy the problem associated with age , but we may end up exacerbating it.

I conjecture that it also makes them better neighbors to corticotroph, thyrotrophs and folliculostellate cells as well."
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I will still use CJC-1295 with my mk677 or GHRP. but also will use CJC-1292 (GRF 1-29) as I have in passed.
I have seen/felt results with both.
but that is a great post and something to consider, so thank you for the debate.
Well let me know how it all works out. Realistically there are a lot of unknowns with any of it, I'll admit I just accept what DAT says as truth, but I do also experiment myself as do you. I really liked the mk. Along with what I said on DAT, he feels igf is useless but I see results from it, but he did also say that about mgf and has changed his mind.

Var is one of my favorite AAS, just not for solo use, but it seems best when you have a solid base, it will work anytime but guys happy with their size see great results trying to tighten up.

And I agree it's all opinion because we all are different and have different goals. Honestly I no longer want to be huge, at 6'1ish I'm happy around 225 which is light.

My concerns with CJC-DAC is it seems to eventually cause some issues but I copy/pasted only because I can't explain something the way DAT and thought its useful towards our topic. Others may follow RUSSIANSTAR due to his education and he is pro CJC/DAC.

But at least you have put thought in and are getting me to think about the topic and try to see the other side. Again there is no book or one way so I shouldn't say right or wrong but just opinion, but it's a good write up regardless of what I think one the one compound. I also say its worthless to use more than 100-150 of a ghrh, but that may not be true at all because most of the med studies used 2mg to produce their results so saturation may be different there as well.

I just think in a time of so much bunk gh, it would be great to quantify an amount on the gh peptides to dose similar to what you want from gh. Peps give roughly ~ 2 hours and gh ~ 4-5. So that's also a concern.

And again JP non of this was an attack on you I think you did a good job and spend a lot of time with peptides, promoting them, and spend time helping to explain their uses so I appreciate that. I have had some slightly rude post lately for whatever reason so not trying to come off that way because I could use 2 more years worth and still not know anything. Lol.
I have 4mg of cjc1295 at my disposal to stack with igf1-lr3 and ghrp2. But after reading this thread I'm concerned if it would be wiser to toss out cjc1295 and wait til I can get my hands on cjc1295 w/o DAC.

What would you guys recommend

Edit: nvm will wait for cjc w/o DAC
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I have 4mg of cjc1295 at my disposal to stack with igf1-lr3 and ghrp2. But after reading this thread I'm concerned if it would be wiser to toss out cjc1295 and wait til I can get my hands on cjc1295 w/o DAC.

What would you guys recommend

Edit: nvm will wait for cjc w/o DAC

There is NOTHING WRONG with CJC 1295!
if your tossing it out and already have it then that would be the biggest waste.
the only argument is that some say cjc1293 is better, but both work.

I have done studies on RUI's CJC1295 and CJC1293 over the last 2 years and they went great and both are good to use depending on person likes and dislikes.