@#$% Peptides


New member
I've seen a lot of mixed reviews for PP so I am trying a few products. One being clen. I posted this in another forum but it gets very little traffic so I'm reposting it here.

So this will be my best attempt to help eleviate any concerns anyone has about ordering from them. Blood testing isn't an option so can someone tell me what to expect physically. I'll be administering clen 20mcg to my test subject and increasing up to 120 over 2 weeks. Then a week or two off and starting again. Tamox will be another week of 40 followed by 2 weeks of 20.

Also, the products I ordered were both part of a buy one, get one free special. When my order shipped it listed it as 2 products so I wondered what the deal was. Should have been 4 products. I send an email to the company asking what happend and just got an email explaining that the company was short on vials and didn't want to hold up initial orders waiting for vials to ship the BOGO Free. Email contains an explanation and tracking number for the rest of my order. Quality processing and shipping so far. No complaints yet.

Originally Posted by ******
I use Precision Peptides regularly. Been running CJC1295/GHRP-2 stack for a little over a month now and they work great. Just as good as the other two that I have ordered from in the past (IP and Sten). Half the price too. ****

I found out about them from someone I work with. He's been happy with his but there are lots of bad reviews out there.

So I have a question and just a few small complaints. Question is if clen is supposed to have any kind of taste or color. Mine is completely clear and no noticable taste. Also, I took 20mcg and am wondering if because I can't feel any effects does that mean it's not working? I know it's a small dose and didn't expect to feel much considering I'll wind up at 100-120mcg.

Complaints. The clen is too concentrated. 200mcg/ml makes it too difficult to measure to doses smaller than 50mcg. And what's up with the dropper? There are no markings on it. I had to use a dropper from an old prescription that I'm using for the tamox. It measures .33, .66, and 1 mL so you can imagine drawing 20mcg was a pain to do accurately. As for the tamox, why does it come in the same 60mL vial as injectibles? It has a stopper on top for syringes and once the metal seal is removed there is nothing holding the stopper on. It just sits on top. If I turn the vial over it would pour out. Tamox vial should be in the same container as the clen. With a screw cap but with a measured dropper.

So I have felt nothing noticable from 20mcg. Just took another 20. Was thinking of trying 100mcg at once just to verify whether fake or not. Figure 100mcg on first day would def provide some sort of side effect. Also, the liquid is completely clear and has no noticable smell or taste. Am I dropping H2O?

I took another 20mcg (guesstimate considering there are no markings on the dropper) and I'm def feeling it now. Slight stimulant effect but def a good feeling. Not a jittery, anxious feeling. Hands are shaking a little bit and heart rate seems to be up. Seems to be the real deal. I'm going to weigh myself first thing in the morning and since I currently am without a gym membership I'm going to use my apartment gym 3 times a week on a very modest push/pull/legs routine until I get back into a gym and am back on a 5 or 6 day a week routine. Back on clean maintenance diet on Monday to guage the effect the clen has while eating maintenance.

I may try 2 weeks on clen and maintenance to test effects. Then 2 weeks 500 over maintenance and 2 weeks 500 under maintenance to see how if how much of an effect diet has during use.

Originally Posted by *****
If you have legit clenbuterol you will feel 20mcg.

Furthermore, I ordered some clen from Precision, and it turned out bunk. I ended administering what would should have been 120mcg, and my rat did not respond. *****

Seems to be working. Unless there is something else causing the symptoms. But I haven't had any other stims today. No coffee or any type of caffeine. Just food and water. The real result will be weight loss though so we'll see over the next 2 weeks. I have a buddy at work with some clen from another source. I might ask for a bit to see if there is noticable dif between it and PP.

I wasn't gonna take any more today but, I went ahead and took about 40mcg just now. I also looked a little closer at my bottle and there is small stuff floating in it. Is this typical of clen? Best way to describe it is if you put fine dirt in water and shook it up. Doesn't seem to settle to the bottom though.

I'm gonna be pretty upset if this stuff is bunk. If the clen is bunk then I have no reason to believe that the tamox is real. Which basically means I've run a cycle with no post cycle therapy (pct). At least I have a-dex from ChemOne. Won't help with natty test but at least it'll keep estro low while my test is low. Guess it'll give me an excuse to get back on cycle sooner.

Took some of my buddies clen this morning instead of my own. Took what I guessed to be about 40mcg. Def feeling it. Later this afternoon when it's worn off I'll try 40mcg of mine again to see if the same feeling continues. Didn't notice what brand it was but it had a slight alcohol taste. Mine has no taste.

So unless the my buddies clen is still working from 930 this morning (7.5 hours) then the PP stuff is def legit. I can barely hold my mouse steady having had 40mcg at 930 and 40mcg at about 3pm. Hands are shaking pretty good.

Its gotta be real. I took 40mcg this morning and checked my temp an hour later. Temp actually went down from 98.5 to 79.6. Unsatisfied with that I took another 80mcg for a total of 120 this morning and I'm feeling it. Hands shaking, heart beating, heavy breathing, and not much of an appetite. Only thing is that my temp is still just 98 even. Not sure if temp has to be up to prove its real..
Latest update. I'm up to 100mcg/day in 2 doses. Still feeling effects each time and it starts about 15 min after I take it. I also realized I don't have any place to weigh myself so I'm pretty much going all off of the mirror now. My diet is 30oz chicken or turkey, 5 cups brown rice, 6 cups mixed veggies, 6 tbsp veggie/olive oil per day with a whey/water shake in the morning and afternoon. Comes to about 3000 cals per day and relatively high protein, mod carb, mod fat. Also taking a multi, fish oil, and drinking only water and Crystal Light.

Also I still can't get my temp to go up so I'm not sure what that means or matters.
ive used some of their peps, they work just fine.

Good to know, and thanks for the input.

Another note. I also am using thier tamox at 40/day for 2 weeks and 20/day for 2 weeks. When I came off cycle I broke out really bad on my arms and back. Couldn't get it to go away. I tried varying doses of Adex and even taking nothing. I went nearly a month after my last shot to starting post cycle therapy (pct) (not because I wanted to, it just happened that way) and withing 48 hours of taking the tamox my acne cleared up. This tells me that it must be having a significant effect on leveling out my hormones. Seems to be working great and not the slightest bit of gyno.
i buy thier albuterol and its for sure legit it has my subjects heart rate up and can feel the difference i use thier peps on my subjects too frag mostly and like it however they just raised the price on that which im not happy about. However i agree with the packaging be shite iv gotten a few things in a syringe style bottle that should have been with a dropper and when i do get a dropper its not marked kinda strange
Just came off cycle. Tamox is for post cycle therapy (pct) and started my cut during post cycle therapy (pct).

WORST time to cut is after cycle during post cycle therapy (pct). this is when your body is most vunrable!
any other time EVER would be better then during post cycle therapy (pct) or RIGHT after post cycle therapy (pct).

carful as you can lose alot of hard erned muscle doing this.
WORST time to cut is after cycle during post cycle therapy (pct). this is when your body is most vunrable!
any other time EVER would be better then during pct or RIGHT after pct.

carful as you can lose alot of hard erned muscle doing this.

I had actually read some good things about the use of clen during post cycle therapy (pct). Lots of stuff about cortisol. Figured I'd give it a shot. I kinda used my first cycle as an experimental. Nothing too fancy, just testing the waters. So I'm not too concerned about keeping all my gains as I'll be cycling again. I really should have cut before going on cycle buy I was anxious to start. And now am anxious to cut. Tired of carrying around so much bodyfat.
I would reccomend our sponsor here : Purchase Peptides

VERY good quality and pricing.
I havent used the one you mentioned.
feel free to pm me for discount code for them.

I actually don't know anything about the products they have. I'm not real knowlegeable about peptides and kinda hold them in the same category as pro hormones. I only use the sites for AIs and SERMs mostly.
So the sides of the clen have begun subsiding. I take it like I'm supposed to but not really feeling anymore. I can a little but certainly not like I was a week ago. I'm up to 120mcg per day. Wonder if I should bump it up to 150 or so.
Also, I'm back in the gym after a month off and worked legs yesterday. Noticed some pretty good cramping in my glute/ham and quads. Not sure if it's because of the clen or just from taking the time off.
The reason you're not feeling the clenbuterol is due to beta-2 adrenergic receptor downregulation. Your body is responding to the increased stimulation with this safeguard mechanism to keep from being overstimulated. So it will take more and more and more Clenbuterol to give you the same effect as it did when you first started out.
What you can incorporate into your regime is ketotifen or benadryl to be taken at night before you go to bed. These products are purported to help restore the proper number of receptors in your system (the same ones you have downregulated).

The cramping can be due to lack of taurine. I am not sure on the mechanism in which low taurine leads to cramping, but it is apparently related. For this reason, people supplement with Taurine tablets to replenish their stores. Taurine will not only help your cramps, but offer protective effects on the heart as well.
The reason you're not feeling the clenbuterol is due to beta-2 adrenergic receptor downregulation. Your body is responding to the increased stimulation with this safeguard mechanism to keep from being overstimulated. So it will take more and more and more Clenbuterol to give you the same effect as it did when you first started out.
What you can incorporate into your regime is ketotifen or benadryl to be taken at night before you go to bed. These products are purported to help restore the proper number of receptors in your system (the same ones you have downregulated).

The cramping can be due to lack of taurine. I am not sure on the mechanism in which low taurine leads to cramping, but it is apparently related. For this reason, people supplement with Taurine tablets to replenish their stores. Taurine will not only help your cramps, but offer protective effects on the heart as well.

Thanks for the reply. How much benadryl? Just 1 pill a night? Shit knocks me out cold. And where to get taurine from?
Thanks for the reply. How much benadryl? Just 1 pill a night? Shit knocks me out cold. And where to get taurine from?

The active ingredient in benadryl is diphenhydramine. I would shoot for 1-2 tabs before bed each night (which amounts to 25-50mg). Each tab should contain 25mg. I also get knocked out by benadryl pretty bad too, and am usually groggy most of the following morning. I found that ketotifen is a bit easier in terms of grogginess the following day.

You can find Taurine supplements all over the place. It is an over the counter supplement. Try local vitamin shops and online retailers such as GNC, Vitamin World, RUI-products.com.
here is a write up on the use of ketotifen (in place of benadryl):

Ketotifen was made popular by its ability to inhibit the down regulation of beta receptors caused by drugs like clenbuterol. Clenbuterol, albuterol, and Ephedrine used to be cycled on and off because they desensitize the various receptors they act on to produce their lipolytic effect. Ketotifen would therefore allow the use of these fat burning drugs for much longer periods.

If you've read my writings on Clenbuterol, you already know that Benadryl (the anti-histimine) can also be used for this same purpose, and is 10x cheaper and infinitely more available to most people. So why am I bothering to write about Ketotifen at all?

Ketotifen, in medical circles, is also recognized for its ability to lower levels of the cytokine Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), which is a catabolic hormone, and this is a property that Benadryl does not have to my knowledge. TNF-alpha lowers both testosterone and IGF-1 levels,and strenuous exercise elevates TNF-alpha levels. TNF-alpha has also been shown to increase insulin resistance,which we certainly dont want.

Ketotifen and Weight Loss
Ketotifen is used by people suffering from wasting diseases partially caused by TNF-alpha. I think, however, its ability to lower TNF-alpha is going to be overshadowed by anabolic effects produced by anabolic steroids. In one study involving AIDS patients, combining Ketotifen and Oxymetholone (Anadrol 50) showed that the Ketotifen didn't add much to the Oxymetholone induced weight gain. Hence,you are reading this profile in the "Ancilliaries" portion of this book, and not the "Fat - Burning" part, even though Ketotifen is typically used as part of a fat burning cycle including clen. Benadryl is simply too much cheaper and readily available to use Ketotifen in its place with Clen. However, for Post-Cycle-Therapy, Ketotifen and its ability to lower TNF-alpha, is a very valuable tool. You see, Hypogonadism (low testosterone) often accompanies elevated TNF-alpha levels,and after a cycle of anabolic steroids, you are going to be in a hypogonadal state, with elevated TNF-alpha. Thus, taking Ketotifen with your post cycle therapy (pct) is probably a very good idea. If you use ketotifen you could in theory stay on clenbuterol for an undefined period of time. This is because contrary to clenbuterol, ketotifen up regulates beta receptors.The recommended dose of ketotifen is 2-3mg per day, and it should be taken before bed, as it causes drowsiness.
LOL, thread title edited? Seriously?

Anyway. I must admit that my diet hasn't been flawless since I started taking clen. However, I am stunned at the weight loss. I don't have a scale so I'm not sure what kind of weight I've lost but my top two abs are showing as well as my serattus. It's like a thin film of fat has melted off my entire body. My waist is at least an inch smaller cuz I've gone from 1 belt hole to 2. So far great results. Still another week to go before I take 2 weeks off. Eventually I'll get my diet straight and probably see even better results.