Perfection Better Await

Perfection Awaits said:
Well, i just found out i'll be getting a free 25g Deca powder. I have no use for deca, never have used it never want to, so i am gonna use this powder to make my 1st powder conversions, then hunt down an armadillo and inject 100CC's of deca into it (not really). After that i will be doing the following other conversions. I will be keeping my Conversion Log in here once the deca comes for me to play with.

Deca @ 200mg/ml
Nolv. @ 40mg/ml in Everclear
Arimidx @ 2mg/ml in Everclear
50ml Eq @ 200mg/ml
25ml Test Cyp @ 280mg/ml

Will be working on getting some other shit to convert.

Sweet. :druggie:

Why no use for Deca. Deca is a great compound to add mass. I don't use it anymore, but I loved it when I did use it.
DougoeFre5h said:
I gotta try it again.

Yeah, I was gonna add it this year, but decided since adding the GH I just stuck with 1g of test and bounced around with IGF and Slin. Worked great. Plus, when I do come off this summer, it always takes forever for me to bounce back if I end with Deca. Although, i will be staying on the GH/IGF-1 this year whether on or off so that may change the way post cycle therapy (pct) looks. We'll see.
Ok, heres what i'm going to do. I have 25g of test e, 7g of test cyp, and 10g of eq. Am i going to need any more than: 25ml BA, 25ml BB? Also, how many filters am i going to need?
Well i am going to put 1g of arimidex in 500ml of everclear. Then i am going to empty the glass bottle of everclear, and pour the 500ml back in. i am then gonna either put the glass bottle in hot water, or just strait on the stove burner. Which do u reccomend.

Anyways, i also have a lot of nolva and arimidex now, and they all taste like shit. i have some pure vanilla extract. Can i add this to them to help the taste without it crashing? And how much should i add.

P.S. I am now a pro at wiping my ass, so i will need no further help on that.
I think you posted to the wrong thread.

I have no experience, but maybe you should try w/o heat first? Just add the Arimidex to a bottle with 500mL of everclear, cover, and shake. If if that isn't enough, then maybe a pan of hot water....not sure.
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