Performance enhancing drugs debate


New member
Sorry Guys, I know I have not been here very often but I have been pretty busy with my life the last few months. I have a major event coming up on campus that I am helping coordinate and I would like your input on the matter.

So I am on a committee in charge of organizing this event on campus. The event will feature physicians, athletes, NPC competitors, a former IFBB pro, dietitians and more. The focus of the event will be to discuss, debate and host a Q&A portion on the uses of performance enhancing drugs steroids will be a big focus. This event has been hell setting up and bringing the physicians on board. I will be on the pro side during the debate and I have interviewed two pro steroid physicians already. What I would like from you guys are questions or ideas that I can incorporate into this event and discuss these things with professionals out there. Thanks.
Wow...I m envious..I d love to wade in there ! They d throw me out I m sure...
I d bring up :
I, a 46 yr old male, USE roids to enhance my physique; as I don t plan on competing again I run light cycle s and have NEVER had an issue.
I believe there is use and abuse of anything out there...with alcohol being the worste..
I believe the use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and light cycle s is widely overlooked as a means to treat depression, bone loss, fat loss, E.D.. etc.
But as roid s were developed DECADES ago the profit margin on them is very low , thereby leading to DOC S prescribing the latest med s to finance their next dive excursion to Aruba via the pharmaceutical fuks....which, next to the law profession is one the biggest culprits to our declining society.
If a football player or tennis player need s cortisone or a pain killer to finish a game/match..or needs to jack themselve s up with coffee or an energy drink isn t that using med s or advances in science to enhance performance when old school athlete s either had to bear with it and play..or go sit down ?
It s a fine line in my opinion...Please post up some commentary on the outcome.
This is great stuff.

I wish there was a live feed to this debate.
Please keep me and ology informed.I wish you and all on the pro side a healthy debate and you make valid points that help change the close minded.

It would be great to hear, but i see nothing but disaster from these types of discussion. Americans are mindless idiots as a whole and the majority believe whatever they read in the paper or see on TV.

If you could keep the debate between actual knowledgeable people, i think that would be the best thing. lol
F N A RJH...our society is unwilling to be uncomfortable in any shape or form..
So many want to sit on their asses and watch Reality TV or be a great internet tough guy or warrior and point their finger at US for our lifestyles...we're only in this shape cuz of juice.
The medical community feeds off this mindset..imo..
Sadly your probably right about the looming disaster.......
F N A RJH...our society is unwilling to be uncomfortable in any shape or form..
So many want to sit on their asses and watch Reality TV or be a great internet tough guy or warrior and point their finger at US for our lifestyles...we're only in this shape cuz of juice.
The medical community feeds off this mindset..imo..
Sadly your probably right about the looming disaster.......

i wish it wasn't true, but we, as a nation are getting more and more lazy and numb to reality everyday. People think what happens on TV is the real deal and what they should pattern there life after. One main reason I got rid of our cable service once my son was born. Becuase our kids are becoming the worse part of it. Also why so many kids are obese nowadays.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. Again, i think this could be a great debate if done correctly. As for questions... hmmm.

Animal, i think you could probably spend the whole debate on negative myths about PEDs, and really focus on positives. Unfortunately, because AAS are a controlled substance, there are really no studies to back up your claims. People will still blame roids for their son committing suicide. This is gonna be some work for you. Wish you luck.
I dont even know where to begin, the question I ask myself, like the redneck said, why is alcohol Legal but not juice?

I can think of about 10 people off hand right now that ruined their life and the life of others, by the abuse of alcohol. I dont even know 10 that use AAS. That is people i know. Not to mention the people i read about it. which is worse for society as a whole and why?

I mean we all know the real reason alcohol is Legal, cause they need the money. Same reason Marijuana is being legalized in Cali, as soon as it happens, everyone else will follow.
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You damn right son...we are the land of personal choice..personal fkn ass. i can get real fired up on this point.
I believe you should be allowed to do what you want with your body at your house.
Alcohol is the NUMBER 1 lowerer of inhibtions...I don t drink but encourage my date s too..
Weed being illegal is a fkn joke...
Scheduling roids...for adult s is a joke.
The majority of the world is ignorant, and unwilling to change their perception. Everyone thinks steroid "use" will cause your dick to shrink, you'll get cancer, roid rage, etc. Like anything else in this world, if you do anything in excess, it will hurt you. Steroids are an easy scapegoat, Chris Benoit killed his family because of them (couldn't be the multiple concussions and depression he suffered from, has to be steroids).

Most people are not open minded enough to even listen. I hope your debate will be able to change that.
They should totally make alcohol illegal and legalize roids for people over the age of 21. Heaven forbid we work on our health and bodies! But damn is it just fine for people to drink too much, get in fights, do wreckless things, drive drunk and turn into alcoholics. That of course is socially acceptable. Blah.. this shit pisses me off. I hate ignorance.
You damn right son...we are the land of personal choice..personal fkn ass. i can get real fired up on this point.
I believe you should be allowed to do what you want with your body at your house.
Alcohol is the NUMBER 1 lowerer of inhibtions...I don t drink but encourage my date s too..
Weed being illegal is a fkn joke...
Scheduling roids...for adult s is a joke.

THis President believes in as much control of the people as possible.
Wish I could be there. I hope the debate is conducted in a way that people
can gather useful info and decide what is what for themselves. I don't think
gear is everyone. I think the most important thing is responsible use and understanding
of what the hell you are doing.
Wow...I m envious..I d love to wade in there ! They d throw me out I m sure...
I d bring up :
I, a 46 yr old male, USE roids to enhance my physique; as I don t plan on competing again I run light cycle s and have NEVER had an issue.
I believe there is use and abuse of anything out there...with alcohol being the worste..
I believe the use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and light cycle s is widely overlooked as a means to treat depression, bone loss, fat loss, E.D.. etc.
But as roid s were developed DECADES ago the profit margin on them is very low , thereby leading to DOC S prescribing the latest med s to finance their next dive excursion to Aruba via the pharmaceutical fuks....which, next to the law profession is one the biggest culprits to our declining society.
If a football player or tennis player need s cortisone or a pain killer to finish a game/match..or needs to jack themselve s up with coffee or an energy drink isn t that using med s or advances in science to enhance performance when old school athlete s either had to bear with it and play..or go sit down ?
It s a fine line in my opinion...Please post up some commentary on the outcome.

Thanks, Yea that's one of the main focuses of this debate to discuss performance enhacning drugs, what their legality should be, are they safe, is their use morally sound in an athletic environment, steroids would be a big topic but not the only one.

It would be great to hear, but i see nothing but disaster from these types of discussion. Americans are mindless idiots as a whole and the majority believe whatever they read in the paper or see on TV.

If you could keep the debate between actual knowledgeable people, i think that would be the best thing. lol

That is what I am aiming for its rare to be able to pull in professionals like doctors physicians and pro bodybuilders and we have managed to do that. So I plan on really pushing them with the issues to see what they have to say. While I agree with you most of my immediate housemates that I have discussed the use of these drugs with and have shown studies and unbiased knowledge to, they have all been shocked and speechless to the amount of ill informed info they have been regurgitating for years. They are more accepting of the safe and knowledgeable use of PE compounds. So a difference can be made, there are a few hundred people expected at this event.

I dont even know where to begin, the question I ask myself, like the redneck said, why is alcohol Legal but not juice?

I can think of about 10 people off hand right now that ruined their life and the life of others, by the abuse of alcohol. I dont even know 10 that use AAS. That is people i know. Not to mention the people i read about it. which is worse for society as a whole and why?

I mean we all know the real reason alcohol is Legal, cause they need the money. Same reason Marijuana is being legalized in Cali, as soon as it happens, everyone else will follow.

I will be addressing those the ethics of PE. How can we sell tobacco, alcohol, Ephedrine, prescribe amphetamines to 8 year olds and benzodiazepenes to college students but not legalize the use of steroids in healthy adult males under the supervision of a doctor.

Wish I could be there. I hope the debate is conducted in a way that people
can gather useful info and decide what is what for themselves. I don't think
gear is everyone. I think the most important thing is responsible use and understanding
of what the hell you are doing.

Professionalism will be a must, I do not look at this as an oppurtunity to say HA! steroids should be legal you are dumb. I look to engage both sides in constructive arguments and presentation of their ideas.

One of the hardest thing I am encountering is that I am having trouble locating good psychological studies on the use of Steroids. Also many of the studies I am coming across do not account for the higher doses many who are serious in this sport look to use. The studies also do not test multiple compounds or "stacking" like we commonly do. In other words, the ignorance seems to be bliss because the medical and scientific community do not want to allocate funds for the research of drugs that have been commonly used for decades now; its a shame really.

Feel free to post ideas and questions and they can be as specific as would like them to be. I' ll be checking this thread for the next couple weeks.
I think you got some good ammo to go in there...and I agree that keeping it professional, well informed and level headed is a must.
With regards to psychological studie s I am a walking testament to the power of hormone enhancement and mood/depression/stability.
When thing s go good for me in the gym, on my bike, in the water.. EVERYTHING else fall s into place. My relationships are better, my job performance is better and I actually CALM down....roid rage my ass....roid based ass..fkn media.
Our father s and grandfather s had to deal with low test and little to no gh as just part of it...the end.. if you will.
I refuse to accept this...and enhance my levels periodically to enhance EVERYTHING.
This may be sacreligeous to say here, but I m able to maintain my look, have sex like a teen ager, have a zest for life and all the thing s that come with it.
Good luck.
There are a lot of clinical studies out there. Focus some research time towards aids wasting. I have a few books on it and all of the information is based on clinical studies. They post all of the studies at the end in the bibliography. I don't rememeber the titles off hand since i am not at home right now. The studied cycles of sust/deca, anavar etc etc etc.
I would interested in real stats if such a thing exists.
-explanation of short-term use vs. long-term use
-How many people in u.s. use?
-What are the demographics?
-How many cases of liver cancer, kidney failure, health problems from roids?
Is this discussion PE related only?

I ask because my knowledge of steroids is not in this arena but in the area of joint and bone repair.

GH, IGF, Winstrol and Nandrolone are documented to repair.

If it wasn't for GH, I would have an artificial ankle right now.
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Damn this would be great to attend. Hope you guys have some security in the house...definitely will turn into a heated debate real quick if the wrong things are said (which is likely)

I'd show up 100%. Why dont they have this shit at my school??