PH cycle for deployment, help please.


New member
29 male. I have cycled in the past but not PH. Not really up to speed on them. I did some research but the information and facts are all over the place.

I am looking for a nice solid cycle. not looking to take a crap ton of pills. Would like something that help with endurance maybe.

I am 212 fairly lean, still working on that.
I would highly rec a test base, but if injections are not an option, i would rec for oral superdrol (methyl-masteron), tbol or anavar, and if you have an AI or can get one then Dbol is nice.. but i really dont like oral cycles, but i do understand in some settings it might actually be the only option, even if not best.
SARMS are also an option.
I would highly rec a test base, but if injections are not an option, i would rec for oral superdrol (methyl-masteron), tbol or anavar, and if you have an AI or can get one then Dbol is nice.. but i really dont like oral cycles, but i do understand in some settings it might actually be the only option, even if not best.
SARMS are also an option.

Thanks, I totally understand that you want to run test but it is not an option. I am just trying to see if there is anything worth while to run while I am overseas. I will def look into sarms,do you recommend any?
I would highly rec a test base, but if injections are not an option, i would rec for oral superdrol (methyl-masteron), tbol or anavar, and if you have an AI or can get one then Dbol is nice.. but i really dont like oral cycles, but i do understand in some settings it might actually be the only option, even if not best.
SARMS are also an option.

I have used anavar while on cycle and its great, but ever I read you are not suppose to take alone, well looks like i have some reasearch to do. thanks
I would highly rec a test base, but if injections are not an option, i would rec for oral superdrol (methyl-masteron), tbol or anavar, and if you have an AI or can get one then Dbol is nice.. but i really dont like oral cycles, but i do understand in some settings it might actually be the only option, even if not best.
SARMS are also an option.

I'm sorry but I can't believe a mod recommended an oral only cycle... Messed up.
I have used anavar while on cycle and its great, but ever I read you are not suppose to take alone, well looks like i have some reasearch to do. thanks

For a first SARMS run I would recommend Ostarine (mk-2866) @25mg/day for 8 weeks. Osta is known for it's recomping effects (gaining muscle while losing fat). It causes minimal suppression, but a mild pct is recommended (nolva/clomid). No liver toxicity, and great anabolic properties. You can expect 4-8lbs and a loss in bodyfat with proper diet and training.
For a first SARMS run I would recommend Ostarine (mk-2866) @25mg/day for 8 weeks. Osta is known for it's recomping effects (gaining muscle while losing fat). It causes minimal suppression, but a mild pct is recommended (nolva/clomid). No liver toxicity, and great anabolic properties. You can expect 4-8lbs and a loss in bodyfat with proper diet and training.

Sarms are an awesome choice. I have a buddy in the army that would always take bottles with him wherever they sent him.

Endurance: GW
Osta is a good choice too though...really just depends on what you want. If it's JUST endurance then go with GW, but if you want a solid run, I'd go with a triple stack. GW, Osta, and S4.
Sarms are an awesome choice. I have a buddy in the army that would always take bottles with him wherever they sent him.

Endurance: GW
Osta is a good choice too though...really just depends on what you want. If it's JUST endurance then go with GW, but if you want a solid run, I'd go with a triple stack. GW, Osta, and S4.

Awesome, right on. Whatcwoukd you recommend dosage wise with the tripple stack. Would one bottle of each last or do i need multiples.