Cutting Cycle for competitive weight lifter. Please review


New member
Hi All,
I am male 30 years old. I am 5'9 at 182 lbs. I have been training for over 7 years consistently. I am at 13.2 % bodyfat. bodyfat is tested using dexascan. I want to compete in weight lifting. i did amateur competition at 85kg (187 lb). I placed 6th. I did not cut wait before the competition. I maintained same weight 3 months into it. I want to compete at 77kg (170 lb). I want to put on strength and move faster. I want to start my first cycle. I hired a high level coach. I hired a doctor to monitor my blood levels. I want to get down to 7-8% body fat.

Please Keep in mind, i dieted down multiple times in past to 8%. Nothing new for me there. But i lose strength when i diet.

My coach recommended me the cycle below. I understand first cycle needs to be testosterone ONLY but in the sport that i want to compete in, Technique, speed and strength matters. Any constructive feedback is appreciated.

WINSTROL (oral) 25mg per day
ANAVAR 20mg per day
Clenbuterol: 20mcg 2x per day (taken separately).
Cytomel: 25mcg per day. [start when I instruct you to]
TESTOLYZE (from Species Nutrition) 3 pills 2x per day

Thank you.
What sport are you talking about here? Body building or powerlifting?

If powerlifting seems to me like you would sacrifice quite a lot of strength to get down to 7-8% bodyfat. Is it worth that to drop a class?

Your coach is recommending an oral only cycle? I know lots of athletes do that, but is it necessary for your sport to not be on a test base?
dropping down to 6% bf can be done with proper diet management. how much does a person have to drop to see their stomach 6 pack? is your visible?
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