Pharmacy grade oxandrolone vs superdrol


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Silly question I know. But if u had access to real oxandrolone from a pharmacy would u choose that over superdrol? I know they are different steroids, quite different... But if long term goals was keepable gains is it better to gain them slow with var, or get them fast with superdrol and try to keep gains by training and diet...
I have no experience with superdrol
I would personally go with anavar if I could only get one because in my oppinion pharmaceutical anavar is extremely hard to find and superdrol isn't faked as often by UGL'S. I think the gains would be better with superdrol but Anavar is alot less harsh on your body in general and has alot of great studies behind it.
Both are c17aa so caution is needed either way. for more sustainable gains I'd say var. They both shut you down thou and both shouldn't be ran solo
Silly question I know. But if u had access to real oxandrolone from a pharmacy would u choose that over superdrol? I know they are different steroids, quite different... But if long term goals was keepable gains is it better to gain them slow with var, or get them fast with superdrol and try to keep gains by training and diet...
I have no experience with superdrol

what are your past experience with compounds like these and your stats?
Both are c17aa so caution is needed either way. for more sustainable gains I'd say var. They both shut you down thou and both shouldn't be ran solo

Except superdrol is double methylated, making it far more hepatotoxic and bioavailable. :)

Apples and oranges OP. One is essentially a test derivative, the other a DHT derivative. Both have their place, and aren't really comparable imo. Keeping gains has nothing to do with compounds; it's more about diet and keeping those muscles stimulated. You lose what you don't use. ;)
HW beat me. Anavar s less toxic than say m1t...all can be very harsh if abused or taken to long. I have never heard of liver issue s with Anavar that did not immediately go away after the compound was stopped. Ranges may skew up a bit but the liver is arguably the most forgiving organ we have.

Usually cessation of the irritant, be it aas or alcohol etc. and it right s itself.

It s def. a K and N grade filter.
I used superdrol one time. Blood pressure went through the roof. I would never encourage anyone to use it. Var is much safer.