PH's showing up on Military entrance drug test?

no bro.
military doesnt test for any form of steroids.
They only test for them if they suspect your using them ie. you get really really huge really fast.
I know this because im in the military. ;)
no worries they do i think a 4 panel drugs test? or 5 panel? whatever is involved with those.
PH are legal also. So just have your bottle if you pop hot.

I'm a former Marine and PH's are definitly a no go. I hope that was a joke...

You will still get in trouble but no they do not test for that when you go to MEPS. Like the other guy said they will only test you if you but some crazy amount of weight on too fast. Some CO's won't care but still risky.
I'm a former Marine and PH's are definitly a no go. I hope that was a joke...

You will still get in trouble but no they do not test for that when you go to MEPS. Like the other guy said they will only test you if you but some crazy amount of weight on too fast. Some CO's won't care but still risky.

I would venture to say at least 1/3rd of our soldiers in Iraq/Afhgan are on steroids at one point or another.

Being honest...I talk to a crapload of them that are like "Yeah, I ran cycles while i was over there". I have actually been surprised, especially considering half of em dont look like they did it right lol :smokepoke
I would venture to say at least 1/3rd of our soldiers in Iraq/Afhgan are on steroids at one point or another.

Being honest...I talk to a crapload of them that are like "Yeah, I ran cycles while i was over there". I have actually been surprised, especially considering half of em dont look like they did it right lol :smokepoke

yea alot of em are on a cycle while they are deployed.. but then when they get stateside they stop working out cause they get lazy :P

yea phs are a no go in the military but you wont get caught. so dont worry.

even if u get caught with roids the discipline is usually pretty light.. not something they care about that bad.

Use the excuse "i was trying to be high speed' lmao
I am in the reserves and never dreamed they would test me for pro hormones or steroids. Well I was told to go the special investigation unit at my reserve base and sure as shit they charged me with using steroids. They are trying to kick me out but I have not gone through my courtmarshall yet. Some POS got busted at another base and he ratted out anybody who he could think of that was using PHs or steroids. I happened to be one of the ppl he named. I pissed hot, I was taking tribulus, dhea, novedex xt (Gaspari) and DAA pure (d asparic acid). The chance of you getting busted taking PHs are about 10000-1 but it could happen. Be very careful. This has been a huge speed bump, it cost me a job working at the reserve base and it might cost me my job at the prison I work at.