Physical Appearance On Test Cycle


New member
on which week do u guys start to notice a difference in more of a defined or mass look on a Test Only cycle ( where your body starts to pop out if ya know what i mean)
state your mg's/ weekly, plus what type of Test u are using, thanks

I am currently on Test Cypionate ( MediStar) at 400mg's a week
finishing up week 4,
Plus if u have before and after pics, please post :)
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I find week 5 or 6 and teste only I tend to get more quality lean gains without any amount of bloat.
1st cycle of test-e I was bloated as all hell by week2. put on some fat during the cycle. Couldn't tell if I gained any muscle until I finished, ran post cycle therapy (pct), then cut for summer...I'll be running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right from the start on the next one believe that shit!

but ya I was running EuroPharm test-e @575/ week
I'm on a test c and deca cycle, it's almost week 5 and I'm barely starting to see results, but they are starting to come in quick!
first time i have used cyp, i usually do sustanon, but this time i figured i would try test C
as for the sust, i found out last time i was having some bad sides with the four blend esters, my blood levels were so unstable it wasnt even funny, no probs on test c so far :)
Bp is sitting around 120/72, and heart rate is around 72 resting, on sustanon after 5 weeks my bp was in the 150/82, and resting heart rate was in the high 80's, or lower 90's, but as far as strength is concerned i find i am liking the test C composed to the sust so far into this cycle
started to feel my strength go up alot this week, exspecially the last few days, so it's a very good sign!
Ya tomorrow will be the beginning of week 5 for me and I wasn't really expecting to physically see results till week 6 but I have seen increases in muscle and joint strength
Using test e and anavar. Weeks 4-7 were really fun! Big changes in size and definition by week 7 and sex drive was insane! Weight gain has sort of plateaued by week 9 but still getting stronger. Three more weeks to go.....I hate to see it end!
Running a 16 week cycle of Test Cyp,100mg eod ,Tren Ace,100mg eod , Mast 100mg eod, Rolling into week 8 and feeling great strength and size is moving right along. My last cycle i packed on 25lbs and was able to keep 15lbs solid muscle after pct.