Phyto-Testosterone -- A natural testosterone mimicker

Final review

Day Final: Legs plus weigh in

Well my final day was back a few weeks. I weighed in at 180.6 pounds. That's a solid 5. I look leaner, in my opinion too.

Lifts went up pretty well too.

Here's how they progressed:
Hack Squat
Day 1: 280x5
Day 30: 345x5

BB Flat Bench Press
Day 1: 220x6
Day 30: 235x5

Lat Pulldowns
Day 1: 165x8
Day 30: 210x6 --- grown to LOVE this lift close-underhanded grip with straps

I need to see if I can get my wife to take some pictures of me at some point.
My hunger is off the charts on this stack though, I know Phyto effects insulin but I'm wondering what it is with AnaBeta that has this effect? I'm also running Sustain Alpha :)

Very nice. Thinking of a very similar stack for post-pct of my recomp cycle.