pic of me


New member
this is me i put on about 10lbs in 5 weeks on 35mg of dbol i could probably gain more but diet is not were it should be i m 5'8 183 want to get to 185- 190 by end of cycle then try to cut bf later
yea first cycle its working out really well i dont want to stop lol but i am going to do a totol of 8 weeks thenget off it for about the same amont of time any suggestins for a second cycle or for post cycle thanks
For your second cycle I suggest 500 mgs. per week of injectable testosterone enanthate or testosterone cypionate. Have nolvadex or another means to deal with estrogen on hand.
Looking pretty solid. Next time try and get someone else to take pictures for you. I bet you would look bigger. For some reason I have noticed that the pictures taken from a mirror seem to make me look smaller.