pics after my 7 month layoff

The Conquistador

Ology's Golden Boy
OK so back last march I stopped lifting and went off all gear that I had been running on and off for 4 years. lost a lot of mass and did not keep up lifting or eating because of stuff that was going on. got in shitty shape and just started back in Oct with workking out and lifting. Its been hard getting back and I am not on anything because I feel like I need to do this natty until I have a well established base again to work from if I decide to do a cycle again. Started with a MMA fighter and have been doing a remedial workout to fix my injured and heavily pronated shoulders which it is helping with a lot. also threw in a lot of kettlebell work and now that I am getting a stronger core and stabalizers, we are gonna move onto heavy main compound exercises again

weight is 203
not sure of bf but i have more than i should

I know that my physique sucks majorly compared to the other members but I am working hard and would love any feedback I can get. I just took these pics after a quick list without much of a pump. sorry for the weird poses but I was trying to show my leg progress.



I assumed you to be about 20lbs smaller.
4yrs of to elaborate on types and dosage?
when I was using before this overhaul I was around 230 and a lot more solid and stronger. i was also carrying a lot more muscle in my traps, chest, and shoulders. Gear was usually a test only cycle, sometimes with dbol or something thrown in too. I ran a test/tren before as well as a test/deca but mainly it was just test E. i responded well to it so I never felt the need to elaborate and always just stayed around 500-750 a week
test /dbol was at 500w test and around 40d dbol until week 4

tren was 75eod

frst cycle of tren was amazing. bench went up100 some lbs in 10 weeks, second cycle I stopped because I tried to run it after I had been on test for too long just to get some gains and it reacted badly. it started to mix my emotions up really bad so that was the last straw. ended it all after that
nice. Well, welcome back to the weight game. Those gains will come back quickly, regaining strength is so much easier than getting PR's.

Any goals weight wise or strength wise?
I wish my bench would go up 100lbs in 10weeks while on tren...maybe i should try 150mg
I wish my bench would go up 100lbs in 10weeks while on tren...maybe i should try 150mg

the side effect was that my shoulders got hurt very quickly and took a long time to recover from the strain of heavy weights that fast

weight goal is around 230 lean
Arms and chest are looking pretty good so far...You need to work more on your mid section more abs, ut you have a decent base to work with. I would say you are at around 18% BF right now