PICS - B00tycall

Lookin solid mang.
20 rep squats for the legs. They're not bad, just need a lilsomething to stimulate a lil more development.

legs. only 1x a week!?

leg extensions 16,16,16reps
legpress 12,10,10,10
hacket squat 10,10,10,10
1leg squat 8,8,8
leg extensions 10,10,10,10
legcurl 10,10,10,10
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Why not drop the leg extensions and curls and focus on squats, stiff-legged dead lifts and heavy walking lunges. Just a suggestion.
Squats would definetly help your leg routine, looks more like your routine is for maintaining and toning rather than gaining inches on your legs, stiff legged deadlifts are good too and a nice dose of leg presses wouldn';t be bad all though not as effective.
quality physique, but I do agree with the others about leg training, they need to be brought up a bit, and your routine is terrible for adding mass. Focus on heavy squats, leg press and hack squats for quad size
I think you should start pulling some deads for back thickness too. But you look a lot beter than I do right now!
This back shot is taken in May
I'm still working hard with my legs, and they are getting better ;)
a picture it's the way

edit: stats.
220lbs @ bf%12.1
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