pics of me before cycle of test e 500mg/12 wk

couple pics of me.. check out more of my cycle and stats at "my cycle"... i know the legs are down right now as with some other bodyparts but for my age i believe its ok... had a hard leg workout today and legs are sooo blah so i will pst leg pics another day when there ready for the camera! constructive critism is welcomed!
pics are pretty shitty quality man, post them up using imageshack or something... but from what I can tell you look like your doing pretty well
Here's some helpful advice but being a young male you probably wont adhere to it: HIT THE SQUAT RACK!!!
bro i thank you for your advice and look at my steroid cycle... squat max is there and for 19 its pretty good... legs are just a weak attribute for me... im taller and my muscle heads are longer than the average bodybuilder so maybe thats why??? who know but thanks, i apreciate it...