pics of me


Dedicated to the BB Style
Well here ya go...
Stats are:

170 lbs
3 years of working out

used to weight at 220 but like a fat slob...iam happy with what i have done in these 3 years considering almost 2 years ago i got into a near fatal car accident and couldnt workout properlly for a couple of months...anyways please tell me how to get my chest up to par!!
i'll get legs later....o yea and i'am bulking since i saw tmans pics lol
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as of right now yea...i was going to do a Winstrol (winny) test cycle...but i wanna see how far i can go natural....i did to a test deca cycle for 8 weeks or so about a year and half ago and i was up to 198 lbs from 168....then i stopped working out for a while and umm...welll here iam now lol
kind of sucks since i have the Winstrol (winny) and test in my room waiting for me lol
i was going to ask you if you were cutting or bulking. you got a nice base igor. shoulders, arms, traps look good.

i got terrible chest genetics. i think the growth i have gotten came from weighted dips, heavy benching, deads, squats.

alot of us do low reps with heavy weight to increase strength and size. Seems most of us do some form of the workout PB recommended. Have you checked out the training journals?

eat workout rest
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yea i try to do heavy benching and i try to keep it to 4-6 reps for 4 sets...been doing this for the past 2 months and my chest just doesnt seem to respond....dips hurt my shoulders. I think iam just going to do DB presses for a while...see how that goes. I'am gonna start doing more heavy deads starting this weekend. The most I ever pulled on deads was 450 but I was around 197 lbs.

What do you recommend I should do Tman...bulk or cut? My goal is basically what you got now.
igor said:
yea i try to do heavy benching and i try to keep it to 4-6 reps for 4 sets...been doing this for the past 2 months and my chest just doesnt seem to respond....dips hurt my shoulders. I think iam just going to do DB presses for a while...see how that goes. I'am gonna start doing more heavy deads starting this weekend. The most I ever pulled on deads was 450 but I was around 197 lbs.

What do you recommend I should do Tman...bulk or cut? My goal is basically what you got now.

if you want to gain a little mass i would bulk first and then cut down. if you cut down now, you may lose some muscle and end up bulking again.

you do have a base and you would look good trimmed down right now, but it sounds like you want to add a few solid pounds of muscle first.
For your chest I suggest doing 2 sets of as heavy as you can go for 4-6 reps, than 2 lighter ones for about 10. For me that really tears them up and pumps them full. Then go to incline dbell and do the same thing. It's working for me (i have the same problem), everyones different though.
yea tmann...i was trying to slim down but i started to feel and look small so i decided just to bulk some more until i cant fit into my pants lol....yea the camera sux :(

i'll try that out outlawtas...i'll try anything right about now to improve my chest!