pimp's first cycle

sorry havent updated my post in a while, begning of week 7 gained anoher kg which puts me at 173.8pounds. i had few days off due to alchol and hangovers but not overdoing it.. and tommrow will be my last night out till the end of the cycle. i have to admit i feel so much stronger and so pumped lol.
This is my first time on this forum and I am doing my 1st cycle ever and i do 250ml Test Enanthate on a monday and 250ml of Deca-Durabolin on a friday, im training 5 days a week. has anyone out there done this same cycle before ?? if so i would like to hear of any problems they may have come across even post cycle therapy (pct) stuff.
mid of week 8 gained another kg... i finally hit the 80kg mark!!!
176pounds. its more strength gains than weight or size
sorry that i didnt keep up to date with my post, i have actually finished my cycle which was 11weeks, i stayed at 80kg (176pounds)