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New member
I currently on a 16 week AAS cycle of test and tren, I decided to add a stack of MFG and IGF-1 lr3
I am planning on pinning PWO IM 100mcg of MGF then 1 hour later 40mcg of IGF-1LR3
My question is if I do the working muscle should I limit it to just a few muscles or do every group except back
So if
Monday is arms do tricep?
Tue shoulders pin shoulders
wed legs do quads?
thur chest pin pecs?
friday back pin biceps?
Should I do 5 on 2 off?
Or should I focus on just a couple muscles?
Also does my dosage seem like a correct starting point?

I have done a lot of research just can't find the this info.
I did find this great article.