Pin Pain


New member
This is my first cycle, I'm on my second week of test e and dbol. I did 4 injects total so far and the first three timse I had extreme swelling and pain, which lasted about a week at each inject site. To the point where I'm limping (glute/quad) and when I did my shoulder inject I could hardly work out that week. I'm no bitch either when it comes to pain, I fractured my jaw in 3 places playing football, and continued to play until I realized I couldn't close my mouth anymore (trying to put pain tolerance into perspective). I started off with my glute inject and that was so swollen/painful, I had to use a donut cushion to sit on at work for a week. Inject sites swell up so much I can see the asymetry even with clothes on. I was thinkin' possibly my body was just overly sensitive, and I was having extreme localized inflammatory reactions. But then yesterday I pinned some human grade on the opposite side and nothing at all, no pain/swelling. Do I have a bad batch or something??? Oh yea I use nsaids before and after injects and massaged after injects......

help pls, this is extremely frustrating, my first cycle I was expecting big gains, and now i can barely work out....
damn bro-test e should not hurt that much-it can cause some pain and soreness but if the PHARM grade was that much better i would begin to question the other shit........what brand is it
Prop does that to me every time - I have had to sleep with my ass hanging over the edge of the bed - but never using e. I'm also curious to hear what brand it is. Must be a bad batch. That's terrible luck man.
could it be the way your injecting it?? I get sore and swollen sometimes but nothing i can't deal with.