Pin size suggestion


New to the game
I have decided on running a test prop and eq cycle, what size pin do people suggest? my last cycle i used a 22g 1.5 and that just seemed to big. is it okay to use a 23g 1 inch pin?
Hip muscle is the most painless, IMO.

I tried a 25 gauge once. It must have taken 20 minutes. 23 would be just fine.
LOL. If that's your pic, it looks like a nice ass.. I need to order the pins toniight so I was just trying to get some input.
i use 25g.. 1-1/2" for glute.. and 1" 25g for delts.. and draw with the 18g.. 25g is nice... and it forces you to shoot slow..
If you always use Glutes how long before you would get scar tissue that might slow absorption of shot? would alternating needle length help with that?