Pinnacle getting Bashed On?

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Pinn's Tren is awesome. Already did 2 cycles (6 weeks each) and the effects were awesome! Got strong as hell and fat loss at the same time. His Anavar (var) (i used 75 mg /day) was also awesome and I got some additional size. The stuff is legit!!!

There are so many points here in this thread that explain any negatives against Pinn!!! Lab competition and Hate from what I've seen but then again, some are very Weary of LOUD labs!!! But the funny thing is, ONLY the loud labs seem to ever make it!!! Weird to me cause I agree with the comment above!!! the more who are skeptical means the more for me and everyone who KNOWS better. LOL. But what Moppy said above ^^^^ You hear those comments? That is the words of a man whom is COMPLETELY satisfied and I know Moppy!!! He is no stranger to gear and has seen and used plenty so to hear those words sort of makes me jealous LOL, I got hell of results from anything Pinn as well but the way you explain man seems like you got some SUPER batch I didn't get!!! My gains were awesome and better than I ever had but you get Exeptional gains??? BULLSHIT man!!! LOL, now I'm gonna start hating!!

Every lab has negative on some board or another!!! It's no suprise!! Anyway I'm happy.
Pinn's provided me with good gear everything I've ordered. Kinda question the claims of some claiming their gear being bad. Worked every time for me.
Shit I just went to their site and it's down it looks like they may have just not payed the host site so maybe there still ok but it still kinda sucks though
People don't know how to keep a source to themselves. I'm so tired of these threads popping up over and over and over again. I'm sure pinn is good but there are a million other sources out there too.

whats all that stuff supposed to do for you ,i really don't know man? i know my money has its limits know what i mean?
Hmm someone pm the website to pinn.

It's bad I'm only a few pins away from being done with my first cycle and I'm already excited and planning my next.
I hate when people take about safety of ordering on-line, everyone please understand if you are not a distributor no one really gives a shit about you, from a legal standpoint. All gear no matter if its from a local source in person came from an on-line source. So if newbies want to pay out the ass because they feel safer doing a transaction in person go ahead, IMO in person transactions are the more dangerous of all because there is not denning who made the purchase.
From every site I've been to I've heard nothing but bad things about pinnacle..

That is the Problem right there bro!!!! You have been to sites that DONT MATTER!!! LOL, Now If you had said "Every site that I've been to that IS a SITE and MATTERS", I would like to know these sites other than that, if it is one of those sites with agendas and political gains for doing such then that is not a site that matters!!! Sites like this site and quite a few others that have a WELL established PROFESSIONAL base to them with VETERANS in the game who have very HIGH rep in this arena and NO reason to LOSE that rep and they are BACKING Pinnacle....... Well that speaks volumes over the HALF wits running NEW and beginner forums that are politically inclined to draw attention to their labs and product will of course bash!!!

As for Pinnacles site, they are REDESIGNING it for their clients, it will be better than the site they had. THANK GOD!!! New products are on the way. Bac water and some other stuff, not sure exactly what and when the site is suppose to be done either.

Either way they are still around.
Pinns site will be up again and this time much more secure....they have had threats thrown at every angle including patient and you will see!!!
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