Does pinn carry mast e?
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What about their primo ? Do they carry it and is it real ?
Yep, everything they carry is real. There are tons of bloodtests by various members that will prove that.
Hg doesnt cause pip, pin has at times....
DoneDexter: I'm happy that you've had a good experience - but please edit out those T/A times. Keeps our sources safe and you as well.
Rips and eli black tops are in stock!!!!!
As i said before, i would be running some Pinnacle and posting labs. I have now been On Pinnacle Test E and Anadrol. Test E @ 500mgs a week (monday injection and friday), and 50mgs Anadrol a day (50mgs pre workout). I will be getting labs as soon as the Test E runs out (only doing 1 vial just for your alls curiosity and labs). The Test E came extremely well wrapped and the Anadrol container is indestructible. All the labeling was professional grade.
Test E was very smooth when pinned. And i had zero pip at all from any shots yet. Been on since Monday (July 15th). The Anadrol is out of this world. I actually like it better than D-Bol, and i mean real D-bol straight from kuwait. The pumps are almost unbearable sometimes, but thats what we like!!! I swear you are huge after a workout. So full of blood. When it first kicks in you feel like you did a small workout already without even touching a weight. As you guys should know, Test E is a longer Ester and takes 4-6 weeks to kick in so i cant comment on it yet. A thread will be opened at a set date were me and several other guys will post experiences and Lab results. All in all, Pinnacle Labs is Top Notch and would recommend to anyone out there looking to get big or just better themselves.
I have vials of both in my nightstand. The pip/ease of injection and dosing are close enough for me. In fact, I would venture to say Pinn is *slightly* overdosed as I often will be on pinn test for my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and come back a hair higher on blood tests for my doc. It's gtg that's for sure.