Pinned incorrectly on my first time


New member
This is my first cycle. I'm running test E 500 and Tren A 150. My first pin was on Monday and I was front loading Test. I injected and felt some pip that day. On Tuesday morning waking up I could not bend my knee past 90 degrees without it killing me. The entire day my knee just kept swelling. I can tell where the pip is supposed to be in the rest of my quad but I did not expect this amount of pain in my knee. I looked around on some other forums and figured out that I must have pinned too low or not deep enough into my quad. View attachment 554750 this is a picture of the swelling. I know that the gear is not bunk or contaminated as I made it myself and filtered it twice through and then baked in the oven. I just wanted to know how long am I going to be limping around like a bitch because of my swollen knee.
Don't frontload on your first cycle unless you are willing to do every day injections. The muscle isn't used to so much oil at once, you can expect up to and sometimes even more than a full week of limping depending on your susceptibility.
Do frequent injections either way though because it will keep the PIP to a minimum and give you more practice & find which locations you like the most.

Edit: That spot looks fine to me, it's about where I go now and felt fine by shot #3. I also rotate with lat shots though, so it wasn't until about week 3.
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I pinned 2mL on Monday and I pin again on Friday. This time I'm going for glutes. If I screw up on my right leg like I did my left. I won't be able to walk. Thanks for the insight. Now I just need an excuse to tell people when they start inquiring.
I pinned 2mL on Monday and I pin again on Friday. This time I'm going for glutes. If I screw up on my right leg like I did my left. I won't be able to walk. Thanks for the insight. Now I just need an excuse to tell people when they start inquiring.

Wicked charlie horse.
Pinned ventrogluteal on Friday. Will be pinning again tomorrow morning. No idea why anyone ever pinned quads when you have ventroglute. There is still PIP but I can still walk and do leg day and squat atg.
What about delts? When I did my first cycle of test I pinned quads and couldn't walk for a few days without tremendous pain, but it does get better. After the 2nd shot it should be all good. I just told people that I had a wicked leg day and they believed me lol.

BTW why are you doing tren in a first cycle? Not a wise move dude.