Pins / inject site help


New member
Running Test Enathate 250. 400 mg per week. I just got pins they are 3ml 22g 1 1/2. I don't have a big butt. I have little body fat. My question is where and how far in should I be going in? The pins are long and I don't want to hit bone. I was told to inject at a 90degree angle in the meaty part of the butt. I just want to make sure I am doing this properly. I have read a bunch of info but just checking with the people... Please help..
soptinjections is a good start. even with a little ass, you can prettymuch bury the pin there. but anything over say 3/4 of an inch would be fine.accepted thought is that the deeper you go the less localised pain you tend to feel.may or may not be rotate sites as much as possible- glutes, delts, quads, chest,etc. 22g is starting to get on the thick side ,but it'll work fine.
i'd suggest you posting your stats (age, lifting exp, cycle history, height,weight),as well as youcycle you are planning with post cycle therapy (pct) plans. by doing this we can help you out a lot more directly. good luck-
Thanks for the info.
Stats are this 6'2 190 pounds 8-9% body fat
been lifting for over 5 years. I am 33 years old. I am lean looking to put on some mass.. espically in my chest.

Current cycle info is going to be 400 mg of Test enathate, i also have EQ but only going to run test for 10 weeks and then see how it goes. This is my first cycle. I have done the over teh counter orals such as superdrol and haladrol. was not a fan. My post cycle therapy (pct) is going to be Nolvadex and clomid and during my cycle I will be taking suppliments such as
Multi Vitamin
Vitamin C (1000)
Milk Thistle
Fish Oil
Red Yeast Rice
Cq 10
Digestive Enzymes

Pro Blend 55
Optimum Nutrition Whey

No XPlode

I looked at my pins an thought OMG they are huge. How the heck am i going to stick that in my glute.. So I am really looking to do this right. I have done alot of research and I believe to get teh results I am looking for I need some assistance. My diet is clean. I eat about 5000 cals per day and I am strong. I can lift double my weight. I am not as concerned about strength as I am about physic....So fire away...
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Stick The Needle In All The Way. This Makes Injecting Much Easier. Keep Your Glutes Very Relaxed And Hold The Needle In For A Few Seconds. Just Make Sure You Are In The Right Spot
Cool. I was able to go on that site when i got home. Great stuff. I think I should be ok. Just worried about how big that needle is. LOL
It's not the length of the needle but how you work it in that matters. At least that's what my grandma use to say all the time. ( Still don't know what she meant except that at 4'9" and grandpa 6'8 1/2", she always said it with a smirk.