PIP question


New member
I did my first Pin of pinnacle Test C yesterday... I did a glute pin, with a 23g 1.5 inch.. today i went to work and i literally could almost not walk the pain was so bad in my glute and i am STILL in agony. Any ideas?? or absolutely anything would be greatly appreciated
I've heard pinnacle has top gear, I doubt that's the problem. Plus its not prop, so it doesn't have that problem lol

Did you heat the oil before injecting?
Are you sure your technique was proper? sterilization and all that too?
Massage the area after injection?

All in all, it might just be because of virgin muscle
Probably just a virgin muscle, for me Cyp actually hurts more than prop, but that is just me, different for everyone. Either way, it will get better assuming you are sterilizing properly. Might try and inject VERY slowly, without moving the needle(as to avoid scar tissue). I'm assuming you're probably shooting 250mg? so 1ml? If so try and take 30 seconds(might be alittle excessive) to inject, let the oil dissipate, then once its all in, let the needle sit for another 30 seconds and then pull it out. I find that when the PIP is bad that on top of alittle massaging, sitting on a HOT heating pad for 10 mins helps significantly with the pain/irritation.
I'm on my first cycle (3rd week) on pinnacle test e.
1st pin to the glute...sore then extremely sore for 5-6days
2nd to the quad....oh my god...felt like I was kick by a horse. This was a monday and thursday pin so I had a BAD limp..fuck I was sore
3rd was delt...alittle sore for 1day thank god
4th was back to the glute. This time I warmed the vial....No pain at all..
I think it was virgin muscle syndrone...plus warming the vial I think helped. I'm scared to go back to my quad though. That pain was unreal
I'm definelty no going to pin my left glute/quad...staying with right glute/quad and delts.
I'm on my first cycle (3rd week) on pinnacle test e.
1st pin to the glute...sore then extremely sore for 5-6days
2nd to the quad....oh my god...felt like I was kick by a horse. This was a monday and thursday pin so I had a BAD limp..fuck I was sore
3rd was delt...alittle sore for 1day thank god
4th was back to the glute. This time I warmed the vial....No pain at all..
I think it was virgin muscle syndrone...plus warming the vial I think helped. I'm scared to go back to my quad though. That pain was unreal
I'm definelty no going to pin my left glute/quad...staying with right glute/quad and delts.

That pain your talking about in the quad is what im feeling in the glute, literally couldnt sleep last night from that shit haha,
Don't get me wrong...my glute shot was just as painfull as my quad. Alittle swollen, and hurt bad. It's just harder to walk/bendover ect..comparably to a sore glute. Like everyone has/will tell you...the 2nd isn't nearly as worse.
the 2nd shot in the same muscle area is not as bad, about 1-2 days of soreness. But I hear you on quads. I walked with a limp in my right leg, and then left leg. Had to make up an excuse for people at work while I was walking like that haha
2nd to the quad....oh my god...felt like I was kick by a horse. This was a monday and thursday pin so I had a BAD limp..fuck I . I'm scared to go back to my quad though. That pain was unreal

Damn I'm gettin scared now. I did my first injection ever of pinnacle prop to my quad. No pain right now but fuaaarrkk, not looking forward to the morning now haha.
Haha yeah yolked tell us how you're doing tomorrow. Now I'm getting nervous for my first injection lol
try only a half a ml for the first inj that will definetly lessen the pain from a virgin muscle and "condition" it, i sit on my ass all day at work so i dont really give a fuck but if you have a pysical job then muscle soreness can ruin your day for sure.
also you might wanna try administering in the morning before a hot shower.
Ouch man you got hit hard hope it's not too bad today. I've also read to massage the injection spot a bit with gauze afterward you inject to help spread it out a little in the muscle.
Found that my glute was the best spot for injection for me, very little soreness after the injection. Quad injections seemed to get pretty sore as if I had just lifted them the day after injetions... This was with 250mg of test e and 200mg tren e. So a full 2ML into that muscle. Everyone is different on injection sites and how they feel. Find a few that work for you and rotate them. Make sure to massage the area, and if its oil to heat it up. Good luck!
prop will be sore.

warm up oil, pin slowly without shaking, push plunger as slow as you can. take a full minute. massage for a couple minutes after.