Planning first PCT


New member
Currently have been on MOD GRF 1-29 and GHRP-2 for almost 2 months now. Did IGF-LR3 for the first 5 weeks. I started to really like the results and incorperated mk-2866 a little over 2 weeks ago. I'm loving it, and with my personality, I have it set in my mind to go as hard as I could. I will be having a bottle of LGD-4033 deliverd probably Monday. I will be using Forma-Stanzol twice daily through the remainder of my SARM cycle. I also have Anastrozole and Clomid on hand.

I know there is little info out there on this new SARM, and less on mixing these two SARMs. But does it sound like I have a good plan or what can I do to better prepare myself?
LGD 4033 and Ostarine are very alike molecularly. It would be a waste IMO to run them together. Since lgd is suppressive and osta isn't (much), I would run lgd on cycle with forma and use the mk2866 in post cycle therapy (pct) to maintain gains. You'll need a good post cycle therapy (pct) for lgd. Go to mr supps, same place you got the forma, and pick up a post cycle therapy (pct) stack there. You may want to use clomid at a low dose as well in post cycle therapy (pct) after the lgd. Trust me, you'll need to make a full recovery on this one