Playing Defense...


New member
Hi there, I have some M1T & Nolvadex, to minimize sides I was thinking of running them together. Taking 20mgs of Nolva on the cycle. Then for the PCT, do I just keep running the Nolva & at what dosage? Do I bump up to 40mgs for a while to jump start the recovery then taper off, or stay with the 20mgs since there is already some in my system?

Any help with these questions would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
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You're probably going to want to put this in the proper forum so you get more views. I'd suggest the Prohormone forum. I'd comment on your cycle, but I'm not a fan of prohormones at all and don't fully understand how they all work (some aromatize, some don't - some are progestins, etc). Good luck! :)