Playing it safe for the guys in uniform!!!


New member
Its been a while since I last posted. Im training two new guys at my gym that are in the military who wanted to start gear, but not sure if the military will catch them on a drug test. I didn't want to give advice but knew to come here and ask the big dawgs will they be okay with a Test-E cycle for about 14 weeks? TIA
The military is like the government service, they only test for the big five ( Cocaine, THC, Phencyclidine, Amphetamines, Heroin)
Buzz is correct - they only test for recreational drugs. There MIGHT be a possibility for other tests if they are in a very sensitive field that requires a top secret clearance and such. I held a secret clearance and was never tested for anything other than your standard illegal drugs.
If they do start a cycle tell them to keep their mouths shut and tell ANYBODY including wives or girlfriends...
the safest thing they can do is get doc prescribed hrt.. that way if they get caught they have an answer to the question
Good points by all thanks ill relay the GREAT information to make sure they are squared away. I was just wandering about the ancilaary part (A.I., Nolva, Clomid etc) would show up since they travel through the kidneys/liver. Thanks again
Thanks for taking care of my brothers! I had a Top Secret clearance when I was in and didn't have any additional testing. But, that was back in 93.
Lots of marines on this board. And Lots of marines run gear but have no fucking idea about cycle support/pct. Its good to see guys on here doing it the right way.
I just got out of the Army in April and I know they were in the process of starting to test for it, I know it's a lot different than the usual tests and a lot more expensive so I don't think a lot of units are testing for it right now. I had a friend that was in charge of the testing and he gave me a heads up.