Please a little advise. thank you


New member
hey guys soooo I've been on Test E 300mg for about 20 weeks now. was taking 600mg a week @ 2 pins a week and HCG 250in E3D and adex .25 EOD from week 1-10.

Then I started working out with a guy who claimed to be a NPC bodybuilder and explained to me that I need to drop the adex and HCG and up my test to 900mg a week...... soooo I did. Although great gains but now not a sure how much of a hole I can be in.

So from week 10-20 I dropped everything and was running test E at 900mg a week.

Now I am just trying to see what is the best course of action for PCT now that I went and
messed up my original plan.

when to blast HCG,how much for how long?
when to start pct?
how much nolva/clomid?
should I run adex before I start HCG blast or during or at all?

I know it wasn't best idea now but hey its already done and now Im here and will use better caution next go around.

Thank you
Roger that, Yeah I know i new better but the guy is soooo big I wanted to be like him and used bad judgement.

How long after last pin should I wait to blast HCG and how much and how many times?

then Im thinking after HCG
clomid 75/50/50/50/50
nolva 40/20/20/20/20

We all have different genetics. What makes a guy get big doesn't mean it will work for you. There are the general rules and protocols in which most everyone must stay in, and with some don't differ or problems may begin to happen.

But the main point is not to judge a persons knowledge about this sport by how big they are. Good luck, the guys here will get you straightened out. Good luck :)
We all have different genetics. What makes a guy get big doesn't mean it will work for you. There are the general rules and protocols in which most everyone must stay in, and with some don't differ or problems may begin to happen.

But the main point is not to judge a persons knowledge about this sport by how big they are. Good luck, the guys here will get you straightened out. Good luck :)

Thank's for lift up bro. Hope I can find a little bit on guidance and learn from my mistake.