Please comment or advise on my epi+tren stack! Thanks!


New member
Hello all,

I am currently prepping for my epi+tren cycle. This will be the second cycle to finish up my cut. I will be on a 40/40/20 (C/P/F) macro diet. My metabolism is pretty shit at the moment considering for the past 2 years I have been cutting naturally and lost over 100lbs. I have good decent size and have been working out for 4 years total now. However, I believe the last few % of body fat will require PH's and proper reverse dieting. I am tired of cutting honestly and hopefully this is the last cut and then I can go ahead and move on to the beloved bulking phase.

Stats: 215lb, 6 foot 2 inches, 26 y/o , 17-18 % body fat ~ (started cutting from 320lbs)

Will be using milk thisle and cycle assist 2 weeks prior to starting ph using recommended dosages.
During the cycle I will be using a prolacting inhibitor(for tren), milk thisle/cycle assist, glucosamine(for the joints), and taurine when needed.
For PCT , I will be using Nova , Erase, and DAA.


-2 Week's Prior: Cycle Assist + milk thistle
-Week 1-4 : Epi (20/30/30/40) + Tren (30/30/30/30) + Cycle Assist(4caps/day) + Prolactin inhibitor (1cap/day) + Glucosamine (1cap/day)
-Week 5-8: SERM-Nova. (20/20/10/10) + Erase (300mg/1cap daily) + Organ shield + DAA

Any comments or suggestions?

After much reasearch and reading a lot of guides I have changed my cycle to this:

Weeks 1-12: Test-E (500mg/week) < this will be my test base
Weeks 1-4:Epi (20/30/30/40) <orals
Weeks 1-4:Trenavar(30/30/30/30) <orals
Weeks 1-12: hCG 500iu/week <keep my leydig cells working
Weeks 1-12: arimedex (.5 EOD) <AI
Weeks 1-4: Prami or Caber ( have both , havn't decided which one though) <Prolactin inhibitor (still not sure how much I will need)
Weeks 14-17:Nova (40/40/20/20) <PCT
Weeks 14-17:Clomid (100/100/50/50) <PCT
Weeks 14-17:Erase + DAA <Estrogen inhibitor as well and natural test boost

I will as be running Zinc/Vit b5 to keep acne under control, really don't want to be running accutane unless it gets severe. <acne

I will also be running life support/fish oil throughout cycle and be checking my blood pressure once a day. <liver/heart
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Looks good.

No need to load cycle assist lol people still do this?

Anyhow, is you epi and tren a stack or are you dosing individual?
Personally I think 4 weeks of epi is a waste (trenavar too for that matter). "Oral tren" is harsh, yes.... because it's methylated, but the Trenbolone PH (trenavar) is unmethylated and not as harsh. I'm entering the final week of a Epi/Tvar/GW-1516 and for me neither epi nor the tvar really kick in til week 3, so at 4 weeks you may only really be "on" for 2 weeks. I really dig the addition of GW with Epi/Tvar too (can't go wrong with quality GW from sarmssearch).

What kind of Epi and Tren are you going with out of curiosity?
Currently on Halo Tvar stack and would agree. 2 weeks down, so far so good, expecting the 3rd-6th week to be the main source of progress.
Cycle needs to be 45 days. Your going to start seeing great gains by day 18/20 which is too late IMHO.

Next, I'd stay on GW for 10wks at least. U can use it in pct no problem.
Personally I think 4 weeks of epi is a waste (trenavar too for that matter). "Oral tren" is harsh, yes.... because it's methylated, but the Trenbolone PH (trenavar) is unmethylated and not as harsh. I'm entering the final week of a Epi/Tvar/GW-1516 and for me neither epi nor the tvar really kick in til week 3, so at 4 weeks you may only really be "on" for 2 weeks. I really dig the addition of GW with Epi/Tvar too (can't go wrong with quality GW from sarmssearch).

What kind of Epi and Tren are you going with out of curiosity? I will be using phfsupplemments epi/tren !

Thanks for all the great responses in this thread.

After much reasearch and reading a lot of guides I have changed my cycle to this:

Weeks 1-12: Test-E (500mg/week) < this will be my test base
Weeks 1-4:Epi (20/30/30/40) <orals
Weeks 1-4:Trenavar(30/30/30/30) <orals
Weeks 1-12: hCG 500iu/week <keep my leydig cells working
Weeks 1-12: arimedex (.5 EOD) <AI
Weeks 1-4: Prami or Caber ( have both , havn't decided which one though) <Prolactin inhibitor (still not sure how much I will need)
Weeks 14-17:Nova (40/40/20/20) <PCT
Weeks 14-17:Clomid (100/100/50/50) <PCT
Weeks 14-17:Erase + DAA
<Estrogen inhibitor as well and natural test boost

I will as be running Zinc/Vit b5 to keep acne under control, really don't want to be running accutane unless it gets severe. <acne

I will also be running life support/fish oil throughout cycle and be checking my blood pressure once a day. <liver/heart
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