Please help - First PH decision


New member
Hey all-

I'm 23 weighing in at 160lbs. I started lifting around 2 years ago. I was only 118 lbs when I began. I blew up in the first year and got up to 150. It's been a struggle getting beyond 160. I eat myself sick and lift frequently. I bench 205, deadlift 315, and squat 245. All 1RM.

I've been stuck at this weight and want to bulk up and try to break this plateau. I've researched PHs but I'm still unsure which to choose. I know that I will need:

Liver support
And of course my other supps(multivitamin, creatine, etc)

What do you guys suggest for someone with my skinny hard gainer body composition? I know I will need to eat a huge amount of calories. I heard Helladroll is good and halo elite..

Thanks in advance
You should get a diet coach and learn how to eat. Contact 3J and he will get 30 pounds on you in no time. His ad is on the right side of your screen. A lot of guys here use his services. He is a lot safer and cheaper than a cycle and much more effective.
Thanks for the feedback. I don't know if that would benefit me due to not having much access to appliances. I live away on campus and I can't really prepare meals or cook. I have a microwave and a mini fridge and whatever is on the menu at the dining hall. I do the best I can and make my own shakes with whey, almonds, bananas, peanut butter and chia seeds with whole milk to try and fill gaps. When I'm done with college which will be May and I can get my own place I'll be able to have a more strict diet.

As for now I was looking to experiment with a cycle and see how it goes. From what I read I don't see much harm in it. I may just be naive. Are the side effects worse than some acne outbreaks and minor gyno? I thought a properly prepared cycle has minimal-no side effects. Please don't take my response as debatable I'm just seeking to be truly informed
Thanks for the feedback. I don't know if that would benefit me due to not having much access to appliances. I live away on campus and I can't really prepare meals or cook. I have a microwave and a mini fridge and whatever is on the menu at the dining hall. I do the best I can and make my own shakes with whey, almonds, bananas, peanut butter and chia seeds with whole milk to try and fill gaps. When I'm done with college which will be May and I can get my own place I'll be able to have a more strict diet.

As for now I was looking to experiment with a cycle and see how it goes. From what I read I don't see much harm in it. I may just be naive. Are the side effects worse than some acne outbreaks and minor gyno? I thought a properly prepared cycle has minimal-no side effects. Please don't take my response as debatable I'm just seeking to be truly informed

There is a lot of potential harm to your HPTA than can come from a cycle. Lots of other problems too like severe gyno which would require surgery.

3J can work wonders. I am almost certain he could work around your constraints. Please reach out to him at least and see what he says. There is no obligation.

Please consider holding of on the cycle. And use real AAS -- not prohormones. Read MrRippedZillas thread of knowledge in the AAS forum. Good info in there for you.
Yeah megatron knows his shit if you look around he is everywhere on this site. Always giving great advice even when no one else posting. If this helps you at all I did two years of reaching prohormones before I ever did my first ph cycle did them on and off for 5 years and with only over the counter test boosters and pct your likely going to lose half of your gains or more with big crashes and harsh sides. Go with the diet for the next few years. Its all about the diet when you get down to brass tax. Then mabe look into some test. But if your dead set on the phs check out the prohormone pod cast I think its episode 10 not for sure they talk about what phs would fit a first time user the best will the least sides. Just remember just bc they have less sides that doesn't mean there not as strong or dobt work as well. Good luck
I'd definately check out a coach and re evaluate you're decision on cycling completely, if you don't even have adequate food resources how are you going to benefit the most from a ph, last thing you want is to screw up you're high natty test over a quick 10-15 pound weight gain that you will likely lose anyways. Dial in the diet with a coach, make more progress focusing on compound movements, get that bench up to 300 natty and those squats in the 400's. Its all possible man, just takes the time and effort. Anyone who started a ph way before genetic potential will tell you it was a mistake.
Best of luck.
chemical supplementation is just that bro, supplementation ! you need the correct raining and diet regiment to really get the best from your chosen compounds.
Get the basics in check and you may find you have no need for chemical enhancement and if you do youll reap 10 tens the rewards from them.
Good luck bro :)
Thanks for the feedback. I don't know if that would benefit me due to not having much access to appliances. I live away on campus and I can't really prepare meals or cook. I have a microwave and a mini fridge and whatever is on the menu at the dining hall. I do the best I can and make my own shakes with whey, almonds, bananas, peanut butter and chia seeds with whole milk to try and fill gaps. When I'm done with college which will be May and I can get my own place I'll be able to have a more strict diet.

As for now I was looking to experiment with a cycle and see how it goes. From what I read I don't see much harm in it. I may just be naive. Are the side effects worse than some acne outbreaks and minor gyno? I thought a properly prepared cycle has minimal-no side effects. Please don't take my response as debatable I'm just seeking to be truly informed

Well I think 52lbs in 2 years is amazing. I went through the same thing when I was around your age all because I didn't diet well so I got frustrated and wanted to juice or take a ph. If your dead set on taking something try GHRP-6 you will be able to put some good weight on TRUST ME! If you destroy your hormones now you will be fat/skinny forever and will have to go on testosterone replacement therapy.

(Also how tall are you? im almost 6'2 so even though I make gains over 6 months it hard to see don't confuse that as not putting anything on. Keep a log on paper your bring with you to the gym and keep track of how you are progressing) (Progressive Overload <look it up)
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Heres how it goes man. When I did what your trying to do I ran a cycle got HUGE! then the cycle ended and I lost everything ALL OF IT! because my diet and traning was on on point I was either under or over traning as well as bad form as well as bad diet/not enough food. Then! once I realized this and got everything in check I could barley make gains because my natural hormones were DESTROYED!